Men with Momentum: Aguila Real Estate


Clifford Human and Jacques van den Heever

Estate agents at Aguila Real Estate are known for placing a very high premium on honesty, industry knowledge, collaboration, extraordinary customer service and efficiency in all areas.

The agency carefully appoints every potential agent to make sure he or she will be a beneficial addition to the team and live up to the high standards of service Aguila offers.

Clifford Human, residential and commercial real estate agent at Aguila Real Estate in Bloemfontein, enjoys helping clients improve their quality of life by helping them find the best property and value within their available resources.

He regards Aguila as the best agency in Bloemfontein and takes pride in helping clients sell their properties at the best market-related prices in the shortest time, with minimal disruption for the sellers.

It is important to Clifford to go the extra mile to assist clients. “We help buyers to see potential in a property and then assist them with the resources available.”

Clifford believes that honesty, loyalty, commitment, determination and persistence make the difference in the life of any person who aspires to be successful. “When you try and fail, get up and try again. Keep on trying until you are successful. Most, if not all, successful people, failed at least once before becoming successful.”

Jacques van den Heever, who is also an estate agent at Aguila, draws his inspiration from the principal at Aguila, Erna van Vuuren, who he says is an incredible person from whom he learns on a daily basis. He regards Erna as an expert in what she does.

Jacques’s dedication shows in the way he conquers his difficult moments. He believes in God, and that the Lord will not leave him. “I put every single issue in His hands. Life is easy that way.” Jacques shares his philosophy in life: One needs to get up and work every day as if it is your last day. He believes that individuals need to be humble and do everything in life with integrity and honestly. “Hard work pays off .”

Jacques is an avid networker who has established a following of many sought after business colleagues in the Free State and further afield. He draws on this network of individuals in his business endeavours to structure deals often lucrative and mutually beneficial to all parties involved. For this reason Van den Heever is well known and liked amongst his peers.

Clifford and Jacques have made a formidable team with Jacques’s networking talent and vast network of business people, coupled with Clifford’s many years of sales experience in multiple facets of the sales environment.

This collaboration has resulted in formidable sales in the residential and commercial property space.

Get in touch:

Jacques Van Den Heever


[email protected]

Clifford Human

078 800 0021

[email protected]

Braam Jordaan and Schalk van der Merwe

Twee manne wat saam met die res van die span van Aguila Real Estate die ekstra myl stap vir hul kliënte, is Braam Jordaan en Schalk van der Merwe.

Dié twee agente is trots op hul diens en verruil hul loopbane as Aguila-agente vir niks ter wêreld nie.

Braam het op ‘n plaas grootgeword waar hy heelwat vryheid kon beleef. Hy meen dit het bygedra tot die mens wat hy vandag is – onafhanklik en iemand wat vir homself kan dink.

‘n Dag in Braam se skoene beteken die verkenning van ‘n omgewing binne-in ‘n groter omgewing, wat dieselfde is, maar tog baie verskil van plaas tot plaas. Hy weet hoe boerdery in mekaar steek en hoe hy kopers kan bystaan in die soekproses na die regte landbou-eiendom vir hul behoeftes.

Braam se advies is dat mense geduldig moet wees omdat dinge nie altyd gebeur soos wat ‘n mens dit beplan het nie. Hy glo dat sterk mededinging ‘n mens net beter maak.

“Ek onderskei myself van medebemarkers deur opregte, eerlike besigheid te doen, leiding aan die koper of verkoper te gee, en met my eie boerderyondervinding van 25 jaar die beste diens te lewer. ‘n Mens moet altyd probeer om dinge uit ‘n ander persoon se oogpunt te sien, of die vraag te vra wat die ander persoon in dieselfde situasie sou doen.

Schalk van der Merwe, nog ‘n trotse Aguila-man, put groot genot uit sy werk as eiendomsagent in residensiële en kommersiële eiendomme. Hy hou daarvan om met mense te werk, hulle in te lig en met raad te bedien. Om mense se emosies te deel tydens die koop- of verkoopproses, is vir kom kosbaar.

Schalk is altyd eerlik teenoor sy kliënte en heg ‘n hoë waarde aan integriteit. Hy glo dat om eiendom te verkoop, gaan nie net oor die geld nie. “Jy werk met mense met emosies, en jy moet dit verstaan en saam met mense deur die proses gaan. ‘n Eerste koper verskil baie van ‘n tweede koper.”

Sy raad aan mense is om doelwitte vir hulself te stel wat hulle sal help op pad na waar hulle oor 5 of 10 jaar sal wees. “Werk hard om jou doelwitte te bereik en aanvaar dat alles nie elke dag gaan uitwerk nie – leer daaruit en stel nuwe doelwitte.”

Maak kontak:

Braam Jordaan

082 413 7626

[email protected]

Schalk van der Merwe

082 789 1213

[email protected]

Text by Sazly Hartzenberg
