Gardening advice from the pros…


Chairman of The Kloof Project Chris Dalzell, who has worked and studied in some of the most prestigious gardens in the world and was part of the team that built the famous Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, shares some gardening advice.

Tip for weeds

Treat weeds when small, otherwise manual weeding before their flower heads form is still the best eradication method.

Eco-friendly weed killer

This eco-friendly weed killer recipe is perfect for hand or pump sprayers to treat weeds in pavers. Best sprayed in the morning after dew has evaporated. Importantly, do not use for killing weeds in amongst grass!

125ml (1/2 Cup) Epsom salts; 15ml dishwashing liquid; 2.2 litres inexpensive white spirit vinegar
Mix together and pour into applicator.

Millettia grandis

10 trees endemic to Kloof

  • Harpephyllum caffrum
  • Protorhus longifolia
  • Albizia adianthifolia
  • Searea chirendensis
  • Tabernaemontana ventricosa
  • Rauvolfia caffra
  • Erythrina lysistemon
  • Xylotheca kraussiana
  • Ochna natalitia
  • Ficus glumosa
Greyia sutherlandii

Tree options
725 new trees have been planted in Kloof over the past three years to secure the creation of a future green corridor. Here are some additional trees planted lately by The Kloof Project:

  • Heteropyxis natalensis
  • Harpephyllum caffrum
  • Rauvolfia caffra
  • Albizia adianthifolia
  • Erythrina lysistemon
  • Dombeya cymosa
  • Dombeya rotundifolia
  • Apodytes dimidiata
  • Sideroxylon inerme
  • Ficus sur
  • Ficus sycamorus

Winners for your garden

Large patio planters: Succulents such as Aloes, Portulacaria afra, Crassula ovata and creeping vegies. Other option is colour with Hibiscus varieties.

Sunny, front verge entrance feature bed: Plectranthus ecklonii and zuluensis, Crasula ovata, Aloe varieties, Agapanthus praecox, Crassula multicarva, Aptenia, Portulacaria nana, Aristida junciformis

Shady spots under trees in the garden: Plectranthus zuluensis and ciliates, Chlorophytum bowkeri, Dracaena aletriformis, Clivia miniata, Crocosmia aurea

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Indigenous options for planting (Exotic / Indigenous option)

Jacaranda mimosifolia / Bolusanthus speciose or Miillettia grandis (Umzimbeet)

Callistemon viminalis / Greyia sutherlandii (Natal bottlebrush)

Cinnamomum camphora  (Camphor tree) ** / Ficus natalensis or

Apodytes dimidiate (White Pear)

Acacia saligna / Acacia sieberiana (Paperbark Thorn)

Ardisia crenata (Coral Bush)  ** / Psychotria capensis (Black Bird-berry)

Canna indica (Indian Shot) ** / Crocosmia aurea (Falling Stars) or Zantedeschia aeethiopica (White Arum Lily)

Lantana camara (Lantana) ** / Plumbago auriculata (Plumbago)

** Considered Alien Invasives and ideally need to be removed


PHOTO CREDITS: Chris Dalzell Landscapes

