

‘If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left.’ Albert Einstein.
As a critical part of our food cycle, and contributing significantly towards the sustainability of our eco-system through simple pollination, we really should be doing all we can to save the bees. If you have bees in your garden, put out a water bowl, filled with stones for the bees to rest on. If you’re keen on a bee hive, Grant Arrand of The Honey Company will come and set one up for you. Plus … if there’s a swarm of bees in your garden or home … don’t kill them or try to remove them yourself. Companies like The Honey Company not only supply pure natural honey, but also remove bees safely, relocating them to new hives in stress-free environments on farms and areas where there is vegetation to support their food supply.

Details: 083-652-0760
