HomeLifestyle & TravelLifestyleBalancing your personal and work life on your smartphone

Balancing your personal and work life on your smartphone

While we are still in the spirit of the new year, it is time to change our smartphone habits to ensure that we remain productive while striking the ideal work-life balance.

Alcatel offers some tips for getting the most from your smartphone for work, without letting it dominate your personal time:

  1. A smartphone is like your own personal distraction machine, full of news, social media, messaging and gaming apps to play with. It’s important to stay focused at work, so try to avoid using these apps at the office. Consider installing an app like Quality Time or App Usage to monitor how much time you are spending on your favourite apps and checking your phone.

2. Set boundaries to ensure that smartphones are not a distraction or irritation in the workplace. This often comes down to common courtesy and ensuring that you are engaged in your interactions with others. Some tips include:

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  • Put your phone away during face-to-face meetings, unless you are expecting a truly urgent call.
  • Keep your ringtone volume and message notification tones down to a respectful volume.
  • If you must take a personal call at work, have your conversation outside the shared office spaces and keep it short.
  • Don’t switch on your speakerphone – rather use earphones.

3. Although smartphones can free you from the constraints of working 9-5 in an office, many of us never really disconnect from work when we go home. Learn to tune out from work-related messages when you go home in the evening until your next workday starts. And when you’re on leave, treat yourself to some tech-free days.

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