Nature’s protector

As environmental manager for Simbithi Eco-Estate, Ayanda Duma gets to channel her passion for nature into her work every day.

To say Ayanda’s job is multifaceted would be an understatement. “My job is to look after the flora, which includes the dams as well,” she explains. This responsibility extends to ensuring that the estate’s conservation practices align with national standards, educating residents about eco-friendly practices and collaborating with local authorities. No two days are the same, and this certainly keeps things interesting. “I see it as an uplifting experience. I get to meet and talk to different people and engage on different levels,” she says. “It’s about striking a balance between maintaining the estate’s natural beauty and allowing residents to enjoy their homes.”

Ayanda Duma, environmental manager at Simbithi Eco-Estate

Ayanda’s journey into environmental work began with a national diploma in landscaping and horticulture. She started her career at the Greyville racecourse, focusing on turf maintenance for horse racing. She later transitioned to a landscaping role at a residential estate before finding her current position at Simbithi, where she has thrived for the past four years. Growing up in Umlazi, Ayanda’s passion for nature was evident from childhood, despite limited exposure to environmental opportunities. This early interest guided her academic choices and ultimately led her to a career aligned with her love for the outdoors.

Ayanda’s connection to nature is profound, and it’s a passion she has passed on to her eight-year-old son. “If you ask him what wildlife he loves, he’ll tell you better than what I would have told you,” she says proudly. Ayanda’s own father was a teacher and she says she’s inherited his love of education. She runs a number of activities for Simbithi’s youngest residents, including chameleon hunts, gardening, and tree planting and believes strongly in fostering a sense of responsibility from a young age. “Kids are very interested in nature if they just have the opportunity,” she says. For the past year, she has also been collaborating with Citizen Leader to run legacy projects at Mavivane Public School in Shakaville, a cause she has found deeply rewarding.

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The opportunity her job gives her to help preserve our area’s natural beauty for future generations means everything to her. “My team and I work according to values of integrity, commitment, accountability, respect and excellence,” she says. “Whatever decision we take, we look at ourselves and use our values as a mirror. Are we using integrity in this decision-making? Are we being accountable? Are we being respectful? That’s what brings the team together and also helps us to make the right decisions for the future of the estate.”
Details:; 032 946 8360; [email protected]

Text: Jennifer Campbell Images: Chris Allan

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