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New on the book shelves

Weather’s turning chilly … stay in bed, make some tea, and read one of these!

Wives Like Us by Plum Sykes

Blend a grand English country house, one heartbroken American divorcée, three rich wives, two tycoons and a bereaved butler. Add a pig farmer moonlighting as a personal assistant, a male model moonlighting as a stable-hand, a missing suite of diamonds and a collection of vintage Gucci loafers and you’ve got a marvellous and hilarious read. Bloomsbury  

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The Honeymoon Affair by Sheila O’Flanagan

A Caribbean honeymoon-that-isn’t (her fiancé broke her heart). A successful and hunky writer holidaying alone. Sparks fly. Add in an ex-girlfriend who thinks she may want to pick up off where she left off and you’ve a roller coaster of a love triangle. Warm, witty, so enjoyable.

The Finish Line by local author Gail Schimmel

Friends from schooldays, through being the fastest girls in the athletics team and then marriage and parenthood … until one becomes a threat to the other’s family. Resentment, darkness and envy take centre stage in this domestic drama, set in the rich suburbs of Joburg. Macmillan 

The Italian Holiday by Catherine Mangan

An unexpected trip to a idyllic island. An even more unexpected accident, which leads to an extended stay. A micro-managing boss and passive-aggressive boyfriend back home … an intriguing local chef keen to show her around here … we know which we’d choose! Escapist chic lit and a feel good read. Sphere

The Sleepwalkers by Scarlett Thomas

Reeling from the chaos of their wedding, a couple hope to recover on a Greek island. But this honeymoon goes from bad to worse when the exclusive hotel’ proprietor flirts outrageously with the groom, while treating his wife with rudeness bordering on contempt. Then there’s the story about the couple who stayed at the hotel the year before … the sleepwalkers, who drowned in a tragic and unexplained accident. This island may in fact be hell on earth for the newlyweds! Scribner


All titles available at Exclusive Books.

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