HomePeopleDr Henk Jacobs

Dr Henk Jacobs

Dr Henk Jacobs is the owner of Dr HM Jacobs Inc & associates and Bloem Med Rehab. Besides being a medical doctor, he is a father to two beautiful girls and husband to a beautiful wife.

 According to Dr Henk, he has wanted to be a doctor since primary school.

He started in private practice in 2011 and in 2015 he started with Greymil Physical Rehabilitation, as a rehabilitation GP for patients after strokes, major surgery, and long-term admissions.

When it comes to a healthy work-life balance, he says: “I believe in a thing called a healthy imbalance. The good must be better than the bad – not balanced at all. Family first and then work!  Patient care stays a high priority, but we can rest as well when we are off, good boundary setting works for me.”

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Dr Henk says as doctors, they tend to be overachievers and take on more than they can handle. “Sometimes our business models fail and we need to reset and restart. Handling difficult family meetings during rehabilitation is a rocky road that has to be navigated well. My current team members makes this easier.”

His advice to aspiring doctors is: “Instead of finding opportunities try and create opportunities.  Answering a need goes far in creating a sustainable business.”

Outside of work, he enjoys mountain biking, family activities and movies, a Netflix series or some social media escapes.

Get In touch :  051 444 2304

Text: Justine Fortuin

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