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Balancing life’s melodies with outdoor adventures

Garth Taylor talks about how to balance family, outdoor adventures, career pursuits, and meaningful advocacy. His story encourages us to prioritise what matters most and make a positive impact in our communities.

In an interview with musician and advocate, Edenvale’s Garth Taylor, we explored how he manages his roles as a father, outdoor enthusiast, musician, and activist against bullying and gender-based violence. Let’s have a closer look at Garth’s diverse life.

Boys and their toys

Garth, a father of two, cherishes outdoor activities as a way to connect with his family away from screens.

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Stepping into fatherhood instantly came with challenges, especially in dealing with adult dynamics.

However, shared interests like fishing and cycling have helped strengthen his bond with his daughters.

‘I’m into motorcycles, but fishing and outdoor trips are activities my wife and girls love too,’ he shared.

‘The most meaningful and formative moments in my life have been spent outdoors.’

He believes in the importance of quality time outdoors, like fishing trips and cycling adventures. ‘Being together outdoors is way better than staring at screens. It is through the adventure I take with my girls where we bond the best.’

On one memorable fishing trip, his youngest daughter caught a big fish, a moment that meant a lot to her and the family. ‘Being able to enjoy the outdoors together and creating memorable memories is what it is all about.’

Despite his busy music career, he ensures they have family time outdoors every weekend, often enjoying parks and dams.

For parents looking to engage their kids in outdoor hobbies, Garth advises, ‘Be present. Put down your phone and show them by doing.’

Music is a lifestyle

For Garth, music isn’t just a career, it’s a lifestyle.

He started playing instruments as a child and began his musical journey as a teenager.

‘From a very young age, music appealed to me. To this day I can’t explain why but there was just something about it.’

His passion for singing brings joy and creativity into everyday experiences with his family.

He is excited about his upcoming album “23”, which has been a year in the making. The title “23” is a reference to the 23 years since he first burst onto the charts.

Besides music, he’s involved in live shows, merchandising, and online content.

‘Music is a big part of my family life, often leading to spontaneous singing and dancing sessions at home,’ he said.

Standing up for the voiceless

Garth also speaks out against bullying and gender-based violence.

‘My childhood inspired me to take a stand. Being bullied and abused and witnessing abuse instilled a strong sense of fairness in how we deal with each other as people,’ he said.

‘I did not have the best upbringing. I had an abusive father and there were often fights at home. There was abuse and I was sent to two children’s homes,’ he explained.

After returning home to his mother’s care, Garth’s mother remarried. He left school at the age of 16.

‘My school marks weren’t great but any child coming from an abusive home would not be able to concentrate on school work.’

Soon after he left school, Garth left home to pursue his music dreams. Since Garth became an established artist, he said he has come full circle.

‘While living in the children’s homes, celebrities would often visit and spend time with us,’ said Garth.

‘Now I have the opportunity to visit homes and speak to children about women and child abuse.’

In addition to visiting children’s homes, Garth is actively involved in the Edenvale community.

He believes that spending time outdoors and bonding as a family helps build resilience and combats bullying by encouraging open conversations.

‘To tackle these issues effectively, I must stress the importance of taking real actions, not just talking about them.’

Personal insights

Garth was born in Durban in the 1970s and raised in Zimbabwe.

He grew up with his two half-brothers and his late sister Joanne.

His fondest childhood memory is leaving the children’s home he was in.

He finds inspiration in artists like Bruno Mars for his consistent excellence. ‘Bruno is always on top of his game.’


Food, travel, or art – what’s your preference?


Can you share something interesting about yourself that few people know?

I’m great at working on cars and mechanical objects.

What clique were you a part of in school?

None. I was the nerd.

Who is your personal hero?

My mom

Rain or sunshine – what’s your preference?


What’s your ultimate indulgence?

Music instrument shopping is right up there.

What do you love most about city life in Edenvale?

The sense of community spirit that still exists in Edenvale.

What are your wardrobe must-haves?

Cap, T-Shirt and sunglasses

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Millionaire shortbread

Do you have any pet peeves?

Strong perfumes and crowded places.

What item do you always carry with you when leaving the house?

My phone

If you won R1 million tomorrow, what would you do with it?

Invest in my music.

What’s your favourite month?

October, because that’s when fishing season is back!

Which season do you enjoy the most?


Do you have a favourite animal?


What’s your favourite colour?


What’s your go-to comfort food?

Ultra Mel Custard

Is there a word you particularly like?


What’s your favourite thing to do during the summertime?

Game fishing! Obviously.


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