A tail-wagging adventure


For some dogs, the mere idea of a car ride can induce anxiety and discomfort. The right approach and a few pertinent tips can ensure a comfortable and fun journey for both of you.

Before embarking on a long road trip, it’s crucial to gradually familiarise your dog with the car if he or she isn’t used to it. Start by allowing your dog to explore the vehicle while it’s stationary, and reward positive behaviour with treats and praise to create a positive association with the car. Gradually increase the duration of these sessions, making sure your pup feels safe and relaxed inside the vehicle. Make car rides a positive and enjoyable experience for your dog by incorporating fun activities and rewards such as bringing along their favourite treats and toys to keep them entertained during the journey. If it’s a long journey, remember to schedule regular breaks for ablutions, stretching and fresh air to break up the monotony of the trip and allow your dog to burn off excess energy.

One of the best ways to do this is to invest in a comfortable and secure harness or carrier for your dog to ensure their safety during the journey. Additionally, bring along their favourite blanket or toy to provide a sense of familiarity and comfort. Consider placing a non-slip mat or towel on the seat to prevent your dog from slipping or sliding during the ride. You can protect your car’s interior from muddy paw prints, shedding and the like by using canvas covers specifically designed for pet travel. These durable covers provide an easy-to-clean barrier, ensuring that your car stays clean and odour-free throughout the journey. It’s also worth considering always having a clean-up kit consisting of paper towels, wipes and plastic bags at hand.

Many animals are prone to anxiety during car rides. Consider using calming aids such as pheromone sprays, calming supplements (Rescue Remedies work like a charm) or a comforting piece of clothing with your scent. Additionally, play soothing music or white noise to create a relaxing atmosphere inside the car. Gradually increase the duration and frequency of car rides to help your dog get used to the experience.

Plan ahead
If you are travelling far and/or staying over somewhere, it’s a good idea to research pet-friendly accommodations and attractions along your route. This will help to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for both of you.

Stay hydrated
Keep a supply of fresh water and a travel bowl on hand to ensure your dog stays hydrated during the trip.

Safety first
Never ever leave your dog unattended in a parked car, especially in hot weather. Ensure proper ventilation and temperature control inside the vehicle at all times.

Consult your vet
If your dog experiences severe anxiety or motion sickness during car rides, consult your veterinarian for personalised advice and treatment options.

Travelling with a pet can be a rewarding experience. Not only will you be exploring new destinations together, but you’ll be creating lasting memories while doing so. Always ensure your pet’s comfort and safety, and take the correct steps to prevent anxiety. By doing this, you set the stage for a stress-free and enjoyable adventure for both you and your canine companion. So pack your bags, buckle up and embark on a tail-wagging journey with your best friend by your side. Happy travels!
