Shedding light on PCOS

Salome joins global effort to raise awareness during PCOS awareness month.

September is a month of significance, as it marks the global PCOS Awareness Month, a powerful and necessary campaign dedicated to shedding light on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This common yet often misunderstood hormonal disorder affects women worldwide, and it’s a condition that demands increased awareness, understanding, ad support within communities and across borders.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), research shows that in 2023 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects an estimated 8–13% of reproductive-aged women and up to 70% of affected women remain undiagnosed worldwide. PCOS is the most common cause of anovulation, a leading cause of infertility and is linked to other serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and endometrial cancer.

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PCOS manifests in various ways, affecting both the physical and emotional well-being of those living with the condition. Symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycles, acne, excessive hair growth, and weight fluctuations are not merely inconveniences but substantial challenges. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that there are also biological and psychological effects linked to PCOS, (particularly relating to obesity, body image and infertility), which often lead to mental health challenges and social stigma.

Salome is a brand dedicated to addressing common women’s reproductive health issues through natural, restorative health supplements. Their mission is to provide women with results-driven, effective, and natural healthcare solutions for these common health challenges. Nokuthula Msibi, 3Sixty Biomedicine Brand Manager for the Salome brand, emphasises the importance of PCOS Awareness Month, saying, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common yet often underdiagnosed condition that can have profound effects on women’s health. This campaign provides a crucial platform for educating individuals and healthcare providers about PCOS, leading to earlier diagnosis and improved management.”

Walter Mbatha, CEO of 3Sixty Biomedicine, the parent company of Salome, expresses their commitment to raising awareness around this prevalent condition,  “We are dedicated to providing resources, education, and a strong support network for women living with PCOS. PCOS Awareness Month boosts our mission, allowing us to reach more women in need and provide them with the support and resources they deserve.”

PCOS Awareness Month serves as a call to action, urging individuals and healthcare professionals alike to deepen their understanding of PCOS and its profound impact on women’s health. By raising awareness, sharing accurate information, and creating a safe space for open discussions, individuals are empowered to take control of their health and seek the necessary medical guidance.

Join the conversation throughout September by following the hashtag #PCOSAwarenessMonth and following Salome on social media. To learn more about PCOS, its symptoms, and management strategies, visit

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