Food swaps for a better you


Achieving your ‘get healthy’ goal just got a whole lot easier.

You don’t have to overhaul your whole diet to eat healthier. Sometimes all it takes are a few simple tweaks, some basic nutrition know-how and a willingness to change. Here are a few easy food swaps that will help you eat better and feel a whole lot healthier.

Opt for Greek yoghurt over regular

Not only does Greek yoghurt offer a protein-dense alternative with less sodium, fewer carbohydrates, and sugars, but it also stands out as a deliciously filling option. You can also use it as a healthier substitute for sour cream, adding richness and satisfaction to your meals.

Chilli oil instead of chilli sauces

Many chilli sauce condiments are often laden with artificial additives, so opting for chilli oil over chilli sauces is a mindful choice for those seeking a flavourful kick without compromising on nutritional value.

Sweet potato chips over regular chips

Choose sweet potato chips for a nutrient-packed delight. These are lower in sodium and higher in vitamins A and E. Although sweet potatoes contain slightly more calories than regular potatoes, they offer a flavourful twist to your meals, combined with great health benefits.

Nut butter instead of processed spreads

Unlike processed spreads and dairy-based butter with high-saturated fat content, nut butter offers a delicious alternative. Packed with protein and featuring heart-friendly monounsaturated fatty acids, they’re not only a delectable option but also a healthier one. Just remember, moderation is key.

Fresh fruit over fruit juices

Embrace the natural goodness of fresh fruits over juices for essential nutrients and dietary fibre. Beyond managing hunger pangs, fresh fruits promote oral health and help you feel fuller for longer, overall contributing to a healthier lifestyle.

Some other great, healthy food swaps to try, include:
–              Whole grains over refined grains
–              Avocado instead of mayonnaise
–              Cauliflower rice instead of white rice
–              Zucchini noodles, a low-carb pasta alternative
–              Coconut milk for dairy-fee creaminess

In the journey toward a healthier lifestyle, let these practical food swaps be your guide. Here’s to a year of making sensible choices that are great for your body and provide a delicious step towards a better you.

CREDIT: Tips and recipes supplied by Banhoek Chilli Oil

Easy One-Pan Meatballs and Sauce

This classic but delicious one-pan meatball and sauce recipe is sure to become a firm family favourite! With tender meatballs simmered in a flavourful tomato sauce, this dish is both satisfying and comforting with a slight kick!

Ingredients for Meatballs: 500g beef mince; 2 eggs; 120g breadcrumbs; 10g parsley; 2 cloves of garlic crushed; Salt and black pepper to season

Ingredients for Sauce: 2 cans of tomato puree; 1 can of whole peeled tomato (hand crushed); 500ml beef or vegetable stock; 50g tomato paste; 2 cloves of garlic crushed; 1 onion chopped; 6 dried cloves; 10g basil; 1/4 tsp black pepper; 1 tsp salt; 2 Tbsp sugar; 40ml Banhoek Chilli Oil; 20ml Olive oil; 1 packet pasta of choice

Method: In a large bowl add the mince, eggs, breadcrumbs, salt, parsley, garlic, black pepper and mix till thoroughly combined. Then portion into small golf ball sized balls and set aside. In a large pan on low heat add the olive oil and Banhoek Chilli Oil add the onions and sauté until translucent. Add the meatballs and brown but don’t burn the onions. Once the meatballs have browned, add the garlic, tomato purée and half of the whole peeled tomato can. Mix the stock, tomato paste and sugar with the other half of the whole peeled tomato and add to the pan. Lastly, add the cloves, black pepper, and a pasta of your choice. Stir everything together, ensuring both the pasta and meatballs are covered with the sauce. Simmer for 25 minutes, stirring constantly to ensure nothing sticks to the pan and catches.

After about 25 minutes, once the pasta is cooked, take the pan off of the heat, add the basil and stir it through. Serve up and garnish with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. For an extra kick of flavour, drizzle over some Banhoek Chilli Oil!

Banhoek Chilli Oil Pumpkin Soup

Ingredients: +-1.2 kg whole pumpkin (chopped); 1 medium onion (chopped; 400g potato (peeled and cubed); 20 ml Banhoek Chilli Oil; 50 g butter; 2 cloves garlic (peeled and chopped); 1/4 cup sauvignon blanc; 1 cup stock (veg/chicken/beef); 1 tsp smoked paprika; 1/2 tsp all spice; 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper; 250 ml pouring cream

Method: Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees celsius. Cut the pumpkin in half lengthwise and remove the seeds. Place pumpkin skin side up in a big enough oven tray and add water (about 1cm), cover with foil and bake for 40-45 minutes. While you’re waiting, cut the onion and garlic and set aside. Peel and cube the potato and place in water. Take a big enough pot, add the Banhoek Chilli Oil, butter and sauté onions and garlic on low heat until translucent. Add the wine, let the alcohol cook off. Add the stock and potato and simmer until potato is completely soft. Remove from heat.

Pumpkin: After 40 minutes, take a fork and pierce the skin of the pumpkin. If there is no resistance, pumpkin is completely cooked. With a spoon, remove all the flesh and add to the pot with potato.

Add all the spices and cream and cook for another 5 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. Blend till smooth. Serve and enjoy with freshly baked bread, toasted bread, croutons or even toasted crushed hazelnuts.

Optional variations: You can add protein (bacon, chicken or beef)

Vegan substitutes: Swap cream for extra veg stock or milk alternative. Swap butter for coconut oil, rapeseed oil etc.
