Making life count


Nozipho Mkhize was born to run. She might have only picked up the habit in her adult years, but what began as a weight-loss journey became the driving force that propelled this running machine to chase the ultimate human race.

The rush of the wind. Pounding footsteps. Uninterrupted personal conversations. A mild state of euphoria. These are the reasons Nozipho, or Nozi as she is affectionately known, loves to run.

At 46, the advertising and sponsorship manager for SPAR KZN, and a long-serving supporter of the SPAR Women’s 10/5km Challenge, she is not just entering her 16th SPAR challenge, but is also chasing her seventh Comrades Marathon medal this month – a rather big feat for this full-time creative marketing professional and mom of four.

Nozi says she wants nothing more than to influence others positively and to make life count. “It all started with the SPAR Women’s 10km Challenge. It was just for fun. I was struggling with the weight gain from my second pregnancy and running became my weight loss programme. It worked. Fast forward to the 2010 Soccer World Cup – the year I found therapy in running. It became my ME time. It was also the year I did my first Comrades.”

Photo: Starchild Media

Almost two decades later, this energetic and astute Cowies Hill resident with a mighty zest for life has nailed many a Two Oceans Marathon, 3-in-1 Ultra Marathon (an all-day run) and the Chatsworth 52km Marathon – also known as the most difficult 52km ultra marathon in SA. And she doesn’t plan on retiring her running shoes anytime soon.

With a running spirit like she has, one would imagine Nozi’s childhood was laced with barefoot adventures in her local community, and cross-country on a wheel-rutted, grassy track with her siblings and peers, but it was far from. Reflecting back, she speaks of life as a teenage mom and the setback she’d created for herself.

“I was afraid to become one of those women I used to see in the township not living their full potential for many reasons. In pursuit of overcoming my failure, I shifted my way of thinking and decision-making. I became a girl who did things differently to her peers. I worked from a young age and volunteered my help wherever it was needed. Because I’d fought so hard for another chance to live and seize my day, caring for people naturally found its place at the centre of what I do.”

Today, Nozi is a self-confessed child of God who’s outspoken and passionate about people and leadership. She enjoys a life of organised chaos together with her modern-blended family – her husband Ntuthuko, to whom she’s been married for 21 years, and her three kids Khule who’s 30, Ntsika who’s 16, nine-year-old Hlobisa,and her 19-year-old niece Luyanda.

“I can’t do without my family. They inspire me to always do better in everything I do. There’s a good level of support and encouragement provided by us as parents and, as a family, we nudge one another to become better people. We keep things simple. We practice a home life that runs efficiently. The environment is lively, full of energy, and love is at the centre of our family values. We are all loud, we laugh a lot, the warmth is tangible and we bond over good music.”

Photo: Starchild Media

As an advocate for women empowerment, Nozi works tirelessly both in corporate and in her spare time. She helps young women increase their impact and influence, and realise their inner strength. It’s one of the main reasons she is so passionate about the SPAR Women’s Challenge.

“It is a race that unites thousands from all walks of life, all over the country, and encourages women to begin prioritising themselves. Self-care and self-discovery are vital components of leading a fulfilling and balanced life.”

Nozi says the event also highlights the significance of women in sport, and takes a stand against GBV. With every entry R5 goes towards a charity supporting such initiatives.

“This year’s race theme is about Choosing Oneself. I’d like to encourage women to understand that choosing yourself is not an act of selfishness but rather an act of self-preservation. It’s about recognising that by nurturing our own physical, mental and emotional health, we become better equipped to navigate the challenges and responsibilities life presents us.”

When it comes to training for this annual countrywide event, Nozi, a member of the Chillie Running Club, prefers to go it alone.  “I run alone intentionally so I can have personal conversations without any interruptions. I can’t do without my inner peace – it’s my everyday goal. It keeps me present and puts things into perspective. Once it’s there, small things, such as a careless comment from a colleague, never completely ruin my day.”

Nozi’s also a member of the local 5am Club, who hit the road on weekdays while most are still enjoying coffee in bed. Come the weekends, if she’s not doing Comrades time trials with her club, she heads to Durban North or Umhlanga to clock in a few kilometres with a handful of good friends. On race days Nozi wears her running club kit with pride and with a feel good, finish strong attitude.

“My goal is to finish 10 Comrades and officially make it onto the Green Number Club Roll of Honour. These runners have experienced a special relationship with this great race, one I certainly feel I have.”

Outside of running and keeping fit, Nozi is passionate about music, reading, cooking and traveling with her family, something she says she needs to prioritise this year.

“On my Bucket List is Kilimanjaro with my first born, Khule, who’s a pro-skateboarder, not afraid of heights and very physically fit. I want to run the world and do the six International races – London, Boston, Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago and New York City. One day I’ll bring home the Abbott World Marathon Majors medal!”

For the rest, Nozi lives with gratitude for each day she is able to take pleasure in simple things and freedom of the mind.

“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Everything starts with ME, so be intentional about doing things you love. It’s good for the soul and rewarding. Understanding yourself is power, loving yourself is freedom, being yourself is such bliss!”

Details: IG: @ziphaiza, FB: Nozipho Mkhize , SPAR Women’s Race on
