Soulful décor from nature


After a challenging few years, the landscape of interior design is evolving at a remarkable pace, reflecting the dynamic spirit of our time. Current trends lean towards a future that is both innovative and grounded in timelessness.

We speak to Zainub Dawood textile co-ordinator of U&G Fabrics – a leading distributor of home textile fabrics and wall coverings in South Africa – about the fusion of nature and technology into the resurgence of timeless craftsmanship that is creating a harmonious blend of innovation and tradition and shaping the way we live, work and connect with one another.

“As we navigate the complexities of modern life, we draw inspiration from the beauty and diversity of the world around us, creating homes that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also inspiring, nurturing, comfortable, and soulful reflections of who we are.”

Zainub says one of the most striking trends of 2024 is the celebration of biophilic design, a concept that brings the essence of nature into our homes.

“With an increased emphasis on sustainability and wellness, interior designers are incorporating organic materials, such as wood, stone, and natural fibres, to create spaces that evoke a sense of tranquillity and connection to the outdoors.”

From living walls to indoor gardens, Zainub says biophilic design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a space but also promotes mental and physical well-being, fostering a deeper connection to the natural world.

“Amidst the embrace of cutting-edge technology, there is a renewed appreciation for the artistry of handmade and artisanal craftsmanship. In a world inundated with mass-produced goods, consumers are seeking out unique, handcrafted pieces that tell a story and reflect the skill and passion of the maker.”

Zainub says examples are handwoven textiles and intricately carved furniture to artisanal craftsmanship. She says these all add a soulful dimension to our homes, infusing them with warmth, character and a sense of authenticity.

“A quiet luxury is another interior design trend emphasizing understated elegance, timeless appeal, classic shapes and silhouettes that can have many lives and evolve through reupholstery. There will be a continued emphasis on classic, investment pieces that you can build a room around.”

U&G Fabrics incorporates this year’s colour palette that is inspired by nature’s earthy tones and pairs it with bold, vibrant hues to create dynamic contrasts and striking visual accents that give a sense of optimism and vitality and reflecting the collective desire for renewal and positivity.

“From soothing shades of sage and terracotta to energetic pops of mustard and coral, the colour trends evoke a sense of balance and harmony, inviting us to embrace change and embrace the beauty of the world around us.”

Details: You’ll find U&G Fabrics at 130 Felix Dlamini Road in Overport. Contact 031 275 3100, 0861 444 546, e-mail [email protected] or visit

To help inspire you, here are a few simple ideas …

Bright Colours Use vibrant hues like yellow, orange, and pink to create a cheerful atmosphere.

Natural Light Maximize sunlight by keeping windows unobstructed and using mirrors to reflect light.

Plants Add greenery like succulents, peace lilies, or sunflowers to purify the air and boost mood.

Artwork Display uplifting quotes, funny memes, or whimsical paintings that make you smile.

Textures Incorporate soft throw blankets, plush rugs, and comfy pillows for a cozy feel.

Photos Showcase happy memories and loved ones through framed pictures or collages.

Calming Elements Add a water feature, essential oils, or a meditation corner for relaxation.

Whimsy Incorporate playful elements like colorful vases, funky sculptures, or a vintage typewriter.

Nature-Inspired Bring the outdoors in with natural elements like a vase with branches, rocks, or a bowl of river stones.

Personal Touches Display personal treasures, heirlooms, or collectibles that hold sentimental value.

Remember, happiness is a personal expression, so decorate with elements that bring joy to your heart!
