Did you know that leaving your rubbish bags on your verge after collection time can make your home a target for criminal activity?
It might seem like a schlep to bring your rubbish bags or dustbins back inside if they haven’t been collected, but leaving them outside for a couple of days creates the impression that no one is home, giving criminals the signal that your property could be an easy target. Here are three concerning break-in trends you want to avoid:
Friday bin day danger: If refuse collection day is on a Friday in your area, and you are going away for the weekend, make sure to ask your house-sitter or neighbour to check if the rubbish was collected. If not, ask them to bring it back inside to prevent a potential break-in while you are away.
Wheelie bin access: If you leave your refuse in a wheelie bin, and leave it on the verge overnight, it can easily be used by criminals as an aid to climb over your wall or fence. Always bring the wheelie bins back inside before nightfall.
Hijacking risk: Criminals bump over wheelie bins, blocking your driveway, which means you need to get out of your car to move the bin, making this the perfect moment for them to high-jack your car.
For more security tips, visit Fidelity ADT.