Mentor Magnificent

Reneë Beck Photo: Pierce van Heerden Designer Garments: Casper Bosman Makeup: Ronel Le Roux Hair: Darelle Loggenberg

There are many paths to teaching, businesswoman and coach, Reneë Beck, has learnt since starting her own personal development company, Pink Lemon Development, in 2017. 

At the forefront of Reneë’s business lies a passion for the development of women. As a young and dynamic woman herself, she saw an opportunity to help others mould their lives and realise their own dreams. “At the events we did, I realised that many women had a lot of questions but were not sure whom to turn to for information. Some just didn’t even know where to start. I went into personal development because I wanted to help with more than building businesses; I wanted to build them as women,” she told Get It during an interview.

“We look at a holistic approach to build stronger and confident women along with the workshops and master classes. I believe when women develop themselves, they automatically become a better wife, mother, entrepreneur or career woman.”

The entrepreneur with a financial background after a career at the South African Institute for Chartered Accountants (Saica), is also a romantic at heart. After living in Pretoria for a number of years, she finally settled in Bloemfontein with her husband, Hein. “I was raised in Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal before my dad was transferred to Bloemfontein after my matric year. My parents stayed for a year before moving to Pretoria but I stayed behind because I had met the man of my prayers. We’ve been together for twenty years now. We eventually moved to Pretoria but came back in 2012 because my husband wanted to come home,” Reneë added.

The couple is involved as leaders at Gospel Workers Ministeries, a faith-based development. “I’m a woman of faith, so I pour that into my business. My beliefs don’t necessarily have to be shouted from the rooftops but my values are reflected in the way I act, engage with people at my workshops and how I treat others. At my events I’m very big on the whole experience, so I try to meet everyone, I make them feel comfortable so I can engage with them, find out who they are and what brings them there. At the end of the day, my heart is in serving people,” she shares.

Reneë’s personality shines just as brightly as her welcoming smile. When she isn’t mentoring women, you’ll find her enjoying a book or three and maybe even singing at home. “One person had a post up asking people to name the books that they wanted to read and I gave six of them,” she said laughingly. “I love to read, it’s a big part of my life, books fuel me in different ways along with my business. As I also come from a musical family, I love to sing; it’s part of how I grew up.”

The disruption of Covid-19 has meant that many women have to reinvent themselves and pivot their business in order to survive. This has come with a lot of uncertainty and disillusionment but women are very resilient. “It has been amazing to see the things they have been doing and the impact they are making within their own sphere of influence. Empowerment is fundamental in the life of any woman. It leads to the development of a good family, society and ultimately, a good nation. I believe that now is the time for women to live bolder, dream more, believe bigger and pursue lives filled with purpose and passion.”

Nomaqhawe Mtebele
