Ways to inspire your children


Here is some food for thought when it comes to your kids, and raising them with good morals.

  1. Inspiration through kindness. Random acts of kindness- a gentle word of encouragement, helping someone in need, a friendly greeting to the car guard, helping an animal-will inspire you and your children in ways you cannot imagine!
  2. Inspiration through gratitude. Make it a daily habit to voice what you are grateful for. Take a look at your life—yes you have difficulties, hurts and challenges—but look deeper.  Teach your children the powerful gift of gratitude.  It will change your life!
  3. Inspiration through generosity. Find ways to be generous. It does not have to be monetary. Giving of your love, joy, time and compassion are beautiful ways to inspire your children to do the same.
  4. Inspiration through listening. Listen to understand, without having the need to interrupt or negatively impact the trust you want to build with your children. Inspire your children to listen, without judgement to others as you do with them.
  5. Inspiration through being peaceful. Find ways to teach yourself to seek peace in your life. Yoga, meditation, exercise, reading uplifting books—whatever it takes.  There is no greater gift than peace!
  6. Inspiration through passion. Being excited about life is infectious. Voice your excitement for positive progress in your children’s lives-no matter how small- and seek to find positive growth points in your own.