The benefits of playing with building toys


Building toys such as Magformers provide hours of fun, immersive play and if they are at the right challenge level, they have big edutainment and learning value too. Children can play alone or with others, building new worlds and unique objects while exploring their creative side and developing their STEM skills. Parents can also join in the fun and explore their 3D building capabilities.

How building toys help kids develop skills

  1. Improve Concentration

Building toys offer the opportunity for children to hone their concentration skills. The immersive play experience means that a child is fully engaged with the brightly coloured pieces as they build things. This type of free play encourages a child to focus long enough that they complete an object, which brings immense satisfaction.

  1. Develop 3D thinking

With Magformers children can build 2D shapes and more intricate 3D shapes. “Children usually begin exploring Magformers with a flat design on a tabletop. Once they get the hang of snapping them together, it doesn’t take them long to figure out how to create a bigger masterpiece. One of the key educational benefits is that it teaches pre-schoolers about the fundamentals of magnets and 3D structures,” explains Philip Galliford, Senior Marketing Manager for Solarpop.

  1. Fostering Curiosity and Creativity

Imagine giving your child the ability to be curious about the world around them so that they never feel bored and instead lean towards discovering and exploring new things, people, and places. Playing with building toys opens up this “what if?” world. Studies have shown that curiosity can boost achievement as it leads to more enjoyment and participation in school. Instilling in your child an innate curiosity that they can take into their adult lives will set them in good stead. (

  1. The benefits of Reasoning

Reasoning involves thinking in steps so that one arrives at a specific or intended outcome. The ability to reason and think logically is important for everyday activities, so developing those skills from a young age is vital. With Magformers, children interpret an image in the guidebook so that they can create it in real-life. This requires basic reasoning skills, and the more a child practices these skills, the better they will become at understanding attributes, relationships, and sequence.

Magformers playsets and basic sets are available from, Toy Kingdom, Hamleys, C.N.A. and Everyshop. For more information go to:
