Foods that can increase your risk for a stroke


We’re heading into the festive season and need to be mindful of unhealthy eating habits and a poor diet which may lead to having a stroke. 

Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability and the second leading cause of death in South Africa. In many cases, the food we consume can trigger a stroke, which may result in permanent disability or even death.

According to Nimed Health, stroke kills 25,000 people and disables 95,000 people in South Africa each year.  To help reduce this risk following a well-balanced diet plays a key role in this process.

Foods that may increase your risks for a stroke:

  1. Processed foods that contain trans fat

Processed or junk foods, such as crackers, chips, store-bought goods, and fried foods, are high in trans fat, a dangerous type of fat that increases inflammation in the body. This increase in inflammation in the body increases the risk of stroke as well as many other serious, life-threatening diseases.

  1. Excessive salty foods

Too much salt is one of the most obvious causes of stroke. Consuming large amounts of sodium (found in salt) causes high blood pressure, which can increase the risk of a stroke.

“Besides table salt, the presence of sodium is abundant in certain items used during cooking (stock cubes, soup powders), canned or packaged foods, fried foods, and baked goods. Therefore it is best to avoid such items and opt for homemade or fresh foods instead,” adds Naidoo.

  1. Smoked or processed Meats

Certain preservatives found in smoked and processed meats (namely sodium nitrite and nitrate) damage your blood vessels and thus increase your stroke risk.

Processed meats can also be high in unhealthy fats, increase cholesterol levels and cause vascular inflammation. Hot dogs, bacon, sausages, and salami are all examples of smoked and processed meats, these are high in fat and sodium.

  1. Red meat

Red meat is extremely high in saturated fat, which travels through blood vessels and has the potential to cause blockages which in turn increase your risk for a stroke.

“When planning to cut back on red meat, it is important to adopt a diet that helps provide nutrition and healthful protein sources. Oily fish is also recommended due to its high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids,” Naidoo adds.

  1. Sugary soda drinks and diet soda

Although replacing sugary drinks with diet soda seems like a smart solution for keeping weight down, both sugary and diet sodas may increase your risk of a stroke when regularly consumed. A study from Boston University found that having large amounts of diet sodas was linked to the 3 fold increased risk of having a stroke.
