Tanya van Rees turned her back on corporate life so that she could do what she loves most … have a positive impact on others.
Most entrepreneurs wear several hats. They’re responsible for everything in their business, from HR and marketing to finance. Tanya plays even more roles … her business, Authentic Roots, is a platform that allows her to fulfil all her passions, so that she’s not only a self-published author and educator, she’s also a yoga instructor and nutritionist advisor.
Her most recent venture sees her sharing her knowledge about plant-based lifestyles through a series of workshops, aiming to make people more excited about accessing and cooking with veg. “Although more and more people are going plant-based, many of us still feel like we don’t really know how to start. Or why we should.”
Tanya’s own plant-based journey was a gradual one, that started when she embarked on research for one of her very first products … a range of luxury items (think makeup bags, journals and other stylish accessories) all crafted from pineapple leather. She was the first to introduce this versatile plant-based alternative to South Africa, establishing a pattern that would see her become a pioneer in other areas, too.
Take her children’s books, for example. Her first two titles, Tommy the Tomato and Lily the Lettuce, were the first plantable books in South Africa – so, not only do the charming stories teach children about growing their own food, they also give them the wherewithal to do so.
She explains that growing food has been a part of her life since living in Italy in her early twenties. The owner of the villa where she lived was a passionate food grower . “I’ve had a veggie patch in every place I’ve lived ever since,” she says.
The idea to combine growing food with children’s education came about when she found a similar product based in the UK. “Creating something for the South African context spoke to everything that is important to me. I’ve always been a voracious reader. As a child, I used to transform our lounge into a library every weekend. I’ve also always been a strong proponent of education.”
The newest member of the garden gang, Sipho the Spinach, joined Tanya’s existing characters after Tanya collaborated with an NPO and their CSI client, reaching out to children in rural areas. “We found that the schools in these areas required something more sustainable than lettuce,” she says. “That’s the beauty of the business, and of being a creative … I carefully consider all the feedback I receive, then pivot or adjust my current offering to ensure it consistently delivers authentic value.”
She didn’t stop there, though. “Sustainability is a really big thing for me. It’s one thing to teach these kids about how to grow food from seed, but most of the schools have nutrient-poor sand rather than rich soil.” This insight led to her next project – teaching ECD (Early Childhood Development) centres how to repurpose their food waste into compost, then establish and maintain their own food garden. Tanya also shows the kids how they can use ordinary household items in their gardens – think of turning a plastic milk bottle into a watering can, for instance.
Although Authentic Roots’ services have evolved as Tanya responds to a perceived need, she loves the flexibility and creativity of her undertaking. It’s been like this since the company’s inception, she says. When she resigned from her corporate job, she didn’t have a solid plan in place – she was simply reacting to a deeply felt understanding that this was not the life for her. “I really wanted to find my niche – and I have.” As different as her undertakings are, they’re all joined by the golden thread of making an impact and living more authentically.
The willingness to go with the flow speaks to her free spirit, Tanya continues. It also gives her the room to think of new ideas – and she has plenty! “My mind is always working. I love being creative, and I love thinking of sustainable solutions that might help people.” She also relishes growing her knowledge base, then sharing her newly acquired information.
All of this means that she’s poised to introduce even more exciting products under the Authentic Roots banner. Right now, she’s looking forward to seeing her plant-based workshops gain momentum, and introducing them to the corporate sphere or as a consulting service. But after that, who knows? “It’s not always easy, because I create, design, develop and deliver everything I do, but I’d love to see Authentic Roots grow and ultimately reach a place where we are able to provide employment for others,” Tanya says.
Details: Follow @authenticrootssa on social media.
Progressing to plant-based
Adopting a plant-based lifestyle needn’t be daunting. Tanya says that it helps to think of the transformation as a way of introducing more nutrition and vibrancy into your life, rather than denying yourself the goodies you’re used to. “And remember, it’s all about flavour. Just as a prawn is tasteless on its own, so is a lettuce leaf!”
- Make sure you are incorporating sufficient protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates in your meat-free meals while you’re trying to cut down on red meat.
- Most meat substitutes are highly processed so limit these. There are plenty of plant-based protein options or products that are minimally processed, so go for these instead.
- Include dietary fibre in your meals to support your digestive system.
- Know where your food is coming from, how it’s been produced and how it’s being fed. This philosophy applies to plant-based foods, too. Check food labels to see just how processed a product is.
- Choose non-GMO where possible.
Catch Tanya’s plant-based workshops in April. For more info, visit www.authenticroots.co.za
Text: LISA WITEPSKI • Photographer: Nicole Moore. Details: nicolemoorephotography.co.za • Make-up: Makeup by Ryno, 071-688-0242.