HomeFOOD & WINEMalva Pudding on the winter menu

Malva Pudding on the winter menu

Capsicum Culinary Studio has tasked its chef lecturers to come up with some delicious dishes, perfect for the whole family to enjoy during the current lockdown.

Chef Charne Wylie from the school’s Pretoria campus shares her recipe for her delicious and easy-to-make Malva pudding – perfect for the winter weather we are currently experiencing – and best served with lashings of cream or custard (or both for the very greedy!)

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Chef Charne Wylie

Malva Pudding

(makes 8 portions)

For the Pudding


• 2 cups sugar
• 4 eggs
• 2 tblsp apricot jam
• 2½ cups flour
• 2 tsp bicarb
• Pinch salt
• 4 tblsp melted butter
• 2 tblsp vinegar
• 250ml milk


Beat the eggs and sugar well until they are light and fluffy.
Add the apricot jam to the egg and sugar mixture.
Sift together the flour, bicarb and salt in a separate bowl.
Mix together the butter, vinegar and milk and add to the flour mixture. Combine this with the egg and sugar.

Bake at 180°C for 45 minutes

For the Sauce


• 500ml cream
• 250ml butter
• 250ml sugar
• 250ml water and orange juice with a tot or two (to taste) of sherry or brandy. Leave the alcohol out if you don’t drink.


Boil together, then pour over pudding when hot

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