For Simoné Goosen, it is all about experiencing the small moments that can’t be explained, characterised, or memorised. She explains it as those fleeting moments when your child says something profound, mature, and grown-up and describes the best part of being a mother as the unconditional love shared between her and her children.
It is motherhood that has given Simoné Goosen her greatest joy, fulfilment, and passion. She is not only a mother of three, but also the mother of the children in her school for eight hours each day and five days a week.
‘I’ve always wanted to be a mother, and here I am today.’
During our conversation with Simoné, we discuss her career, family, and experience as a preemie-mother, which led to a business opportunity to support other mothers. The story of Simoné is a hard one, but it has a happy ending.
Experience as a mother of a preterm baby
While Simoné was pregnant with her daughter, Lily, she had dreamt of a beautiful summer maternity shoot since her son was born in the winter, but all that changed in a flash.
After her gynaecologist noticed Lily wasn’t growing, he referred her to a specialist in Sandton.
‘Once we arrived at his rooms, he did his scan and told me and my husband that if we do not get Lily out, she will not survive another two days.
‘After hearing that we have to do an emergency C-section, my birth plan went out the door as I wanted another natural birth, but I knew that this was the only way to save our daughter.’
Lily was born on September 18, weighing 770g.
‘The room was full of people, which doesn’t do your self-confidence any favours. As the gynaecologist lifted her to show us, she had a little cry and was taken away to get weighed.
‘I kept looking at my husband, asking him if she is okay, and is she breathing. As the head nurse left with my daughter in her hands, she quickly turned around and let me kiss Lily on her forehead.’
The nurse then left to put Lily in an incubator and get her to the NICU as soon as possible.
‘After the doctors brought me back to the maternity ward, the feeling sunk in that I just gave birth, and I don’t have my child with me, and I don’t know if she is alive.
‘It is a feeling I wish no one to ever experience. The pain, the worry, and the fear were overwhelming. I had to wait an entire day before I was cleared to walk before I could go and officially meet my daughter,’ she says.
To give you an idea of Lily’s size, Simoné says that her husband’s wedding ring went over her foot and up to her knee.
‘One thing I want to offer any parent who needs to walk through a NICU ward door is support.
‘We get so lost in showing up and being there for our children that we end up being walking zombies, and we survive just for the sake of it. But sitting here today with PTSD and realising how important support is, that is the one goal I set out for myself.’
Lily PREEMIE for Lily and others
‘From having our first child full-term and healthy to hearing the news that your daughter is 12 weeks early and her chances of survival are very slim, there wasn’t any time to search for premature (preemie) things.’
This is where Lily PREEMIE was born.
‘Yes, we are not the first preemie shop, but our focus is to not make truckloads of money off parents who have already got such financial stress on top of having a child fighting for their lives. The reason behind Lily PREEMIE was to have essentials in the NICU for when you arrive.’
The other thing to keep in mind is that all babies in the NICU-ward are not only preemies, but they are also often full-term babies who have other complications at birth.
‘I do regular drop-offs at various hospitals as a donation toward their preemie or full-term parents and also to comfort their children when the time is right.’
Through doing this, Lily PREEMIE gives other small businesses a platform to make preemie products as well, which in return markets their businesses. So it is a win-win for everyone.’
Simoné has had a few successful drives where she gathered donations from the community to keep Lily PREEMIE going. The donations included the essentials, 100% cotton yarn and money.
‘But most of the funding comes out of my pocket. The reason why I only use 100% cotton yarn is that it is super soft. Imagine having very sensitive skin and then having to wear something or touch something hard on your skin. Preemies or newborn babies have sensitive skin, therefore our products are comfortable and soft,’ she says.
‘This is mostly why I have Lily PREEMIE products in NICUs already, so when you, as a mommy, get to see your child, you’ll have a little gift that will make this new journey just a little more bearable and it’s free, bonus.’
Then she also has a Facebook page where she markets her products, and if a mom knows she needs to prepare for the NICU, then she can contact me.’
‘On November 17, we celebrate World Prematurity Day, which falls on my mom’s birthday. I guess God planned that my mom’s birthday should be on this date 54 years ago because 51 years later, she will be celebrating not only her special day but a day that means so much to her granddaughter as well.’
An endless fascination with children
Simoné has been with Creative Academy for more than five years, but she has been in the teaching industry for over 13 years. In her previous role at Laerskool Orion, she taught Grade One for over four years.
Today she is the principal of the Preparatory school on Jackson Street in Brackenhurst.
She is dedicated to contributing to young children’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development as an early childhood practitioner.
With extensive knowledge of learning theories and practices, she is enthusiastic, creative, and caring.
‘I fell in love with the education industry and felt compelled to be a part of the development of children,’ said Simoné.
A big smile and hug from the children are one of her favourite parts of her job.
‘Whenever I think about it, I just feel joyous.’
To other moms, she would advise, ‘Raise your children in a way that when you need to defend them, you defend them for what they have done right, not what they have done wrong.’
Just a small-town girl
In her youth, Simoné, a Johannesburg native, moved around a lot.
Today she resides on a small farm in Drumblade, not far from Alberton. A large number of farm animals are adored and cared for by Simoné and her family. A great deal of her inspiration comes from her mother, who has always stood up for her and her family.
‘She just made things work, and she has taught me so many lessons that have made me who I am today.’
For 15 years, she has known her best friend, Kevin Goosen, to whom she has been married for the past eight years.
They have three beautiful children, two boys and a girl.
She enjoys spending time with her family on their farm, doing arts and crafts, and crocheting in her spare time.
Raise your children in a way that when you need to defend them, you defend them for what they have done right, not what they have done wrong.