HomePeopleDon’t worry, be hoppy!

Don’t worry, be hoppy!

We’re making a toast to Nuschka Scheepers, who’s making a splash in the beer-making business!

This brewmaster extraordinaire is just like her own craft beer … cool, down-to-earth, and always hoppy! From a young age, Nuschka Scheepers has loved getting her hands dirty, helping out on her parents’ equestrian farm. The exact farm which transformed into the renowned Black Horse Brewery in Magaliesburg.

When the brewery was installed a little more than a decade ago, Nuschka was intrigued. Before you could even say hops, she was knee-deep in crafting her own concoctions. Think Golden Draught, Premium Lite Lager, Night Shift, Witching Hour and our pretty pink fave – Gingerberry.

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While her brews might be chill, Nuschka’s passion for crafting the perfect draught is anything but laid-back. Behind that friendly smile lies a fierce determination to brew the best beer you’ve ever tasted!

“Since it’s a family business, I consider myself lucky to be the family member who had the opportunity to learn to brew. I had always enjoyed chemistry in school. So, when I discovered that a large part of brewing is chemistry, I was hooked.

“Despite what many might think, working in a brewery is hard work … and most of it is actually cleaning, haha. But I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”

Since then, she’s been on a mission to prove that beer isn’t just for the chaps. It’s for anyone who appreciates a good brew (and is old enough to enjoy it responsibly, of course). This is why they make something for everyone … from easy-drinking to bitter and dark, and even girly!

When it comes to savouring a beer, she will always choose to share it with family and friends. And the best meal to have it with? Most definitely a juicy, grass-fed beef burger. For her, it’s not just about the brew, but the experience of good company and great food with it.

“I have a huge passion for bringing people together. Whether it’s around a table over a few beers, a delicious meal or some music and chilled vibes. Making people happy makes me happy.”

Although she’ll always root for craft beer, Nuschka is a firm believer that every drink has its perfect moment. And while for her, there is nothing better than a few ice-cold beers with friends after a long day, she’ll choose a glass of velvety red wine around a campfire, and a whiskey nightcap every now and again.

Besides being the brains behind the brews, she also plays a big part in the management side of things. Apart from the artisanal craft brewery and distillery, they also have a charming restaurant and a banquet hall for weddings and conferences. So, you could say her daily grind revolves around beer, brides and business. On top of that, she arranges annual events held at the brewery.

To say the brewery is part of who she is, is an understatement. So much so that she chose Black Horse as the venue for her and her husband, Arno’s very first date five years ago. And, when it came time to say I do, there was no question where they’d tie the knot.
When she’s not at the brewery, you’ll likely find her elbow-deep in the soil of either her garden or the farm. A true homebody at heart, she finds joy in the simple pleasures … cooking up a storm in the kitchen, spending time with friends and family, and playing the role of the ultimate host.

“With that being said, free time is not something I have much of, as my work is my passion. So, when I do get a breather, you’ll most likely still find me on the farm, enjoying a nice cold, craft beer. I’m truly at my happiest when I get to work or when I’m surrounded by good vibes and even better company.” Let’s just say she’s all about spreading the love … one sip at a time.

“When it comes to beer, there’s no such thing as one size fits all. Each to their own. If everyone liked the same things, just imagine how boring life would be!”

Details: Follow @blackhorser98 on Insta and @Black Horse Brewery on Facebook.

Nuschka’s top beer-tasting tips:
Show Dad how much you love him by throwing a rustic-themed beer-tasting party full of his favourite snacks, drinks and games. Here are some great tasting tips to go by.

• Observe appearance. Start by examining the beer’s appearance. Note the colour, clarity, and the thickness of the head. This can give you clues about its style and ingredients.
• Aroma exploration. Swirl the beer gently to release its aromas, then take a few deep sniffs. Try to identify the different scents, such as hops, malt, yeast, and any additional ingredients used in the beer.
• Sip, don’t guzzle. Take a small sip of the beer and let it coat your palate. Pay attention to the different flavours you can detect, such as sweetness, bitterness, fruitiness, or spiciness.
• Consider mouthfeel. Notice the beer’s texture and body as it sits on your tongue. Is it light and crisp, or heavy and creamy? This can affect your overall perception of the beer’s taste.
• Temperature matters. Be aware of the beer’s temperature. Some styles are best enjoyed cold, while others are more flavourful when served slightly warmer. Experiment with different temperatures to find what works best for each beer.
• Compare characteristics and contrast. If tasting multiple beers, compare and contrast their flavours. This can help you appreciate the nuances of each beer and develop your palate further.

Text: ALANICKA LOTRIET. • Photographer: HILDA MANS. • Make-up & hair: HEIDIE FOURIE.

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