HomePeopleWomen on the Move: Meet Ilze Stergos

Women on the Move: Meet Ilze Stergos

The world is run by WOMEN. Strong, brave, courageous, witty, kick-ass women. The City of Roses boasts some of the toughest, most compassionate and most inspiring female leaders you’ll ever come across. This month, Get It celebrates these leaders and their superpowers. Because, let’s face it, we’re not just businesswomen. We are mothers, daughters, caretakers, wives, cooks, cleaners, teachers and motivators. We are invested in our communities, and care for those who need a mother’s love. We look at the future while tending to the present with grace and attention to detail. We do it all, with added vava-VOOM for those extra curve balls life throws at us.

In this year’s Get It Women on the Move feature, Vodacom is at the forefront, celebrating this team of strong women with us. Visit www.vodacom.co.za for details on all it has on offer.

Meet Ilze Stergos

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. This rings absolutely true to Ilze Stergos, who owns M Design Jewellery. This company started in 2016 as a hobby, stemming from her love and
passion for bling and all things shiny. “We sell Sterling Silver, Freshwater Pearl and Mabe jewellery. I buy directly from the importers and take pride in only stocking one of each piece of special jewellery to keep it unique for each of our clients.”

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M Design Jewellery also has a dedicated goldsmith who designs new jewellery and remodels all old jewellery. “We work with gold, silver, rose gold, diamonds and all other gemstones.”

Ilze is absolutely cut out for the world of jewels. “I get to work with gems – not only in the jewellery sense, but also with the people I get to meet. I have come into contact with the most amazing people through the ladies’ events and markets I have been involved in.” Two of her closest friends, Maria Tyrannes and Lizelle Overton, are alongside her in the business with unparalleled support and assistance.

Ilze eff ortlessly keeps all the balls in the air. She is also general manager at Catro Foodservice Solutions, which keeps her on her toes.

Her superpower? It’s simple: She’s passionate and pours her heart and soul into everything she undertakes. “At M Design Jewellery we believe in giving our clients the best service and
product at the best price. Seeing the joy in someone’s eyes when you deliver a hand-made piece of jewellery is priceless.

“I believe in balancing my time between my work, my friends, my community and most importantly, my home and my family.”


Facebook : M Design Jewellery


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