Often our greatest disappointments become our greatest gifts and advantages in life. There is nothing mundane in this life. Nothing. Everything matters. Everything. Normality is a huge privilege. What you complain about some people are praying for today.
These are the words of Shinel Schoeman, who finds beauty everywhere. This is a concept that most people miss but if you find enough time to stop and appreciate what is around you … you might just find that there is more to everything than what meets the eye.
Nestled in a fairly quiet part of the ever-bustling friendly city, is a home turned shop that welcomes patrons with a burst of colour. The tranquil splendour that the vintage set-up boasts, is brought to life by the owner, Shinel, who finds beauty in everything. Literally!
We asked what beauty is and her answer encapsulates exactly who Shinel is.
“Beauty is … When you accept yourself so much that you don’t have to fit in with anybody. You belong wherever you are. The soft whispers inside are louder than the shouting from outside,” she said.
Shinel has always had an appreciation for dressing up and thus she started a business that helps her live out her passion for the finer things in life.
“Since I was a very small child I was dressed up and my mom used to put make up on for me – it was a huge treat. I would have my hair curled and I’d wear beads and always play in the jewellery box – it felt like heaven. I loved living in my pretend world of fantasy. It was a wonderful place. Even today – every day is a get-up, dress-up, makeup, show-up and chin-up day,”
That little girl never imagined that she would be the proud owner of Hallo Dolly, a local “huiswinkel” located in Dan Pienaar.
“Hallo Dolly was born – absolutely by accident. I never wanted to have a business and I definitely never wanted to be in a position of managing people. I fought against it because I knew I would be unhappy. I was quite happy to work for a boss forever more. I wanted to. So, Hallo Dolly happened quite by accident. I had no idea what I was doing, I just did it … Basically a house I converted into a shop – one room with décor, one room with fashion accessories and jewellery, and another two rooms with make-up and bath and body products.”
Inspired by rejection and a town that was not the right fit when she left Bloemfontein in 2016, the Bloemfonteiner at heart moved back to the City of Roses in 2021 and like they say … home is where the heart is.
“Bloemfontein accepted and welcomed me with open arms. The ladies here have been incredibly good to me and kind and nice! I feel like the luckiest person in the world,” she said.
“My value had always been what I could contribute. It feels important to me that you can feel good about yourself – regardless of looks, income, education, or anything else. We all want to be accepted. By others and by ourselves. And what a privilege for me to help ladies find and embrace their alter egos. To help them be more comfortable and accepting of themselves. When ladies visit my shop, I leave them to find their own way, but often we end up choosing things together and really just play.”
She encourages women to live their lives by their own rules and of course, to remember that acceptance is key.
“It’s your space and your body and your face. Do what you like! When you accept yourself, everybody else also does, ironically. Often I’m asked what I do – based on the colourful, crazy and mismatched outfits I like to wear. And often they are bizarre. But they work.”
The journey is not always the same for everyone, it can go from leaving your home town to living in Swellendam, and eventually coming back home, but the lessons always make it worth the while.
“Being on my own journey and allowing you to be on your own journey. My lessons are for me to learn. Your lessons are yours to learn. I believe in letting people bang their own heads. It’s not my place to fix you or learn from your mistakes or for you to learn from mine. We are here to live our lives. You get to choose each day what your life is going to be today. So choose well,” she advised.
For those who feel a little less brave when it comes to living out and finding a balance, the silence and creativity that can be found in the different spaces curated by Shinel, will definitely inspire you to take a leap into a world of colour and freedom.
“My Hallo Dolly space is for you to also play and have fun and find things you’d not necessarily have thought could work – and discover how amazing you look by adjusting a belt, a collar, an earring style … combining different things on a table setting or in your lounge, bathroom or dining room. I love it! Hallo Dolly’s slogan is ‘Nothing matches, everything works’. If you are comfortable with something, you will pull it off and you’ll be amazing too.”