Garden delights


If you’re green-fingered and love the vibrant hues of summer then you’ll already know that gardening during the next few months can be a real treat. Here are a few fab tips from our green-fingered friends at NetFlorist to help you keep your garden in great shape and blooming beautifully.

Choose the right spot
If you’re going to opt for sun-loving plants, find areas that get at least four hours of direct sunlight a day. If your plant likes the shade, make sure you give it what it wants!

Feed your flowers
While it’s not mandatory, fertiliser helps keep flowers healthy and longer lasting.

Don’t forget the water
Avoid over-watering. For plants in pots, keep an eye on the soil. If it’s looking a little dry, you know what to do! During summer, most flower species in containers need daily watering (some even need it twice a day, in the morning and afternoon). Check on the needs of your plant or flower and make sure you keep it hydrated!

Keep ‘em fresh!
Pinch off wilting or dead blooms to encourage more flowers to emerge. This encourages annual plants to bloom more because they don’t have to spend their energy producing seeds.

