HomeFOOD & WINEA creamy, silky textured Crème Brûlée

A creamy, silky textured Crème Brûlée

Crème Brûlée is the stuff of dessert legend. The silken, soft yellow custard can be reached by cracking through a crunchy, caramelised sugar cap. A regular feature on The Hussar Grill menu since 1964, the restaurant’s classic Crème Brûlée is an all-time favourite.

For the first time ever, The Hussar Grill shares its secret recipe to help you transition smoothly into winter. Enjoy making and serving it at home, or relish its creamy crunch in the restaurant – the perfect end note to follow one of the famous steaks for which The Hussar Grill is renowned.

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1l Fresh cream

250ml Sugar

10ml Vanilla extract

7 Egg yolks

Please note that this recipe yields 12 x individual Crème Brûlées if prepared in 9cm ramekins.


  • Preheat oven to 150 ºC.
  • Beat egg yolks, sugar and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until thick and creamy.
  • Pour cream into a saucepan and stir over low heat until it almost comes to a boil. Remove cream from heat immediately.
  • Add the warm cream to the egg yolk mixture steadily, stirring continually until combined.
  • Run through sieve (if your custard has any lumps).
  • Pour the liquid into 9cm ramekins.
  • Place ramekins in bain-marie with boiling water.
  • Cover with foil and bake for 20 mins.
  • Remove ramekins from the oven and refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours.

The caramel may be formed directly on top of the custard immediately before serving. To do this, sprinkle a thin layer of castor sugar evenly onto the custard, then caramelize with a Butane/ kitchen torch. Garnish with mint leaves and serve.

For more information on The Hussar Grill, please visit www.hussargrill.co.zaBOOK NOW or please use the Dineplan App

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