Start running

Fitness, exercise and friends running in the city together for an intense cardio workout in street. Sports, athletes and women runners doing outdoor training for marathon or competition in urban town.

Nozipho Mkhize shares small training  tips that can change everything.

Prep for the SPAR Women’s 10/5km Challenge

  • If you’ve never run before or you’ve just started running, start slow for a week or two and do a transitional run to avoid injuries. Run and walk for 5km until you’re comfortable to run the entire 5km distance. Then, start increasing the distance gradually and challenge yourself a bit further. This will enable you to enjoy training as there’s nothing worse than trying to run a course when you’re unfit. Repeat your training three times a week until race day.
  • Buy a good pair of running shoes.
  • Take time to familiarise yourself with the route.
  • Eat well and get enough sleep.
Photo: Starchild Media

Tips for those considering doing their first comrades next year…

Getting your body used to running. You need to plan and train hard to reach your personal goal. Set a realistic one that will translate into you not being hard on yourself and enjoying the journey you’ve just started.

Be consistent with your training and start building muscles.

Solid training in preparation is essential, especially first months, must be vigorous.

Weekly mileage is important as well as entering other prior races or doing longer runs on weekends. For an average person, a 50 to 70km mileage a week is good enough to give you a Comrades finish. Training varies depending on the goals of each individual. I’m not a coach, but I can say that for a healthy person with no medical conditions, this should be enough.

The recommended mileage per week with a decent four months of prior training can give you a comfortable synergy – that’s the basis.

It’s a difficult journey to do it yourself. Find running buddies … it could be a smaller group – that helps. These will be your accountability partners. You need to join a running club.

Qualify early Comrades Marathon and get that out of the way.You will have to finish a full 42km marathon in 5h50mins.

For more race exposure, try another marathon and an ultra. Going into April, this should be your highest mileage period, and from the first week of May start tapering down, depending on intensity or time.

You need a good dose of craziness – there will be ups and downs, but keep on showing up as it can only get better.

Focus on your running being a purposeful and healthy lifestyle – there’s always improvement.


Race day tips

Hydrate the night before the race and this will prime your system for the following day. That storage will serve you well on race morning.

Line up early for Comrades. The starts get busy quickly with thousands of other runners.

Have a Race Day mantra. Mine is ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’. Philippians 4:13

Start slow. Your energy distribution and pace should be even throughout.

Don’t try to run fast to make up time as you’ll burn out early.

Once you’ve reached a 30 per cent mark left to the finish line, you can start putting more energy into getting to the finish line.

Try to have fun. Running Comrades can be emotionally tough.
