Finding home: Spiritual Teacher and Consciousness Coach, Brett Shuttleworth’s Journey of Self-discovery and Belonging


Join Brett Shuttleworth, renowned as SA’s Golden Boy and founder of Smiling Soul Creations, on a deeply personal journey of finding a place of belonging and home. From his humble beginnings in Newcastle, KZN, to his spiritual awakening, Brett epitomizes the essence of creating a sense of home within oneself and beyond.

His remarkable evolution from farm boy to professional sportsman, supermodel, Hollywood actor, entrepreneur and international bestselling author in personal transformation and spirituality, embodies the transition from seeking external validation to cultivating inner peace and contentment within himself and his transformative retreats.

In a world where the search for belonging often takes us far and wide, Brett’s story serves as a powerful reminder that true homecoming begins within. Through his spiritual awakening and deep introspection, he has created a sanctuary of solace and self-realization, both for himself and for those who join him on his retreats.

Brett is thrilled to announce that his next Smiling Soul Retreat will take place in his beloved hometown of Durban. With its special significance in his heart, Durban is the ideal destination for July, boasting a combination of gorgeous weather and inviting warm waters. This retreat invites individuals yearning to rediscover themselves and bask in the warmth of a genuine homecoming. Durban, affectionately known as the South African playground during July, provides the perfect backdrop for a transformative and unforgettable retreat experience.

“For those who have dreamt of returning home, of finding a space where they truly belong, now is the time to take this transformative journey with us,” expresses Brett Shuttleworth, whose retreat promises to ignite a spark of self-discovery and renewal in all participants.

Step into a realm of personal growth and rediscovery as you uncover the power of finding home within yourself. Join Brett Shuttleworth on a journey that transcends boundaries and resonates with the soul’s deepest yearnings, paving the way for a new chapter of fulfilment and self-realization.

Details of the next Smiling Soul Retreat in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal:
Date: 19-21 July 2024
Location: KwaZulu-Natal, Salt Rock Hotel
Registration and more information:

Instagram: @Brettshuttleworth
Facebook: and
