Easy tips on eating healthy when working from home


Here are easy tips to keep your nutrition in check when your home is also your office.

Keeping your nutrition in check can be challenging when your home is your office. You feel completely at ease, and there is plenty of food available. Unlike at the office where your colleagues congregate around that one infamous microwave and title all their yoghurts, you now have complete freedom in the kitchen. However, this habit, as fun as it may appear to be, can wreak havoc on your health and halt your productivity. Here are easy ways to eating healthy when working from home:

Plan your meal times

Just like you have a schedule at the office, implement one at home. Plan out the rest of your day and establish what you’re going to eat and at what time. You don’t find yourself spending all day in the work office, so don’t spend all day in the kitchen!

Don’t work near the kitchen

If the fridge is in your line of sight, you’re going to feel tempted to look into the fridge for no reason whatsoever. Chalk it down to human impulses. You don’t want to make trips to and from your desk, with it all culminating in having no work to show for.

Take a break to eat

You could get entirely caught up in work, that time might slip by, and you find your stomach grumbling. It is crucial to identify your hunger signs and acknowledge that not eating affects your alertness and productivity. Imagine falling asleep during a Zoom call with the boss? If necessary, set alerts on your phone to remind you to get up and eat something.

Meal preparation goes a long way

When it comes to weekday lunches, try to plan on the weekends to get all the ingredients you may need ahead of time. Avoid food cravings while working from home by preparing nutritious lunches ahead of time. Meal prep not only removes stress from your weekly grind, but it’s also easy on the wallet and good for the body.

Focus on balanced, nutritious food

What you eat impacts your overall mood and energy levels. So the next time you contemplate binging on junk food, opt for protein, fibre, healthy fats, fruits and veggies instead.

Hydrate with lots of water

Stay away from sugar-loaded fizzy drinks and juices – fill up on water instead. Keep water on your home work station so that it is readily available and a constant reminder to hydrate.  Dehydration leads to headaches and fatigue, which negatively impact your productivity.

Avoid too much caffeine

Endless cups of coffee might appear to help productivity, but coffee is known to cause headaches, anxiety, digestive issues and even fatigue. Stick to two cups of coffee per day to avoid jittery feelings and anxiety.

Do not buy junk food

Your fridge is not a vending machine! Try your best not to overindulge in junk food and avoid foods you know can trigger a binge for you. It’s an “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy.

Nourish your body, your brain, and your heart! Always aim to maintain a good eating plan while you’re working remotely. Since overeating and undereating aren’t sustainable habits, use these tips to improve your working-from-home situation. If you are looking for more information on ingredients to add to your eating plan, be sure to look at Flora’s list of seasonal ingredients for inspiration.

