HomeOrange lollies

Orange lollies

(Makes 4 x 85ml ice lollies)


Juice of 5 – 6 large oranges (roughly 500ml); a squeeze of fresh lime juice

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(Note: You will need 4 x 85ml ice lolly moulds and flat lolly sticks)


Mix the fresh orange  juice with the squeeze of fresh lime juice, tasting and adjusting to your liking. Pour into lolly moulds until each one is 3/4 full. Place moulds upright in the freezer for about an hour before poking sticks into each mould. Freeze for a further 3 hours or preferably overnight.

Remove moulds from freezer and briefly dip them into hot water, then gently pull lollies out of the moulds and serve immediately.

Recipe from Jude’s Ice Cream & Desserts

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