HomeHome-style Spekboom Chutney

Home-style Spekboom Chutney

Chef Kerry Kilpin of Tryn, the vibrant new signature restaurant at Steenberg, has taken local goodness to the next level with her Spekboom Chutney, her ode to this indigenous wonder plant.

Keen to share her favourite recipes to inspire home cooks during the lockdown, Chef Kerry uses spekboom straight from her own garden.

Considered to be a “miracle worker” in reducing carbon footprint, this proudly South African edible succulent is one of the most efficient plants at removing COfrom the atmosphere. With notes of citrus, spekboom melds seamlessly into Chef Kerry’s culinary focus of featuring an abundance of unexpected fresh and local ingredients in her dishes. This delicious spekboom chutney takes pride of place on the menu at Tryn complementing both sweet and savoury dishes such as her sublime Textures of Boerenkaas.

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Taking her cue from Steenberg’s 17th-century founder, Catharina Ras, or Tryn as she was known to her nearest and dearest, Chef Kerry loves to use ingredients straight from Steenberg’s herb garden or the lime and lemon trees on the Tryn terrace.

Also known as Pork or Elephant bush, spekboom is a nutritious eco-warrior packed with Vitamin C and basic nutrients such as magnesium and manganese and was traditionally used to treat exhaustion and dehydration. This hardy succulent is easy to grow, water-wise and requires little maintenance.

Enjoy making Chef Kerry’s effortless chutney and let it work its magic with flavourful cheeses, as a spread or as a garnish. Watch her whip up this delicious Spekboom Chutney relish by visiting https://www.youtube.com/Steenberg_Farm.

For more on Chef Kerry’s at #lockdown recipes follow @SteenbergFarm on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

Spekboom Chutney

By Steenberg Executive Chef Kerry Kilpin


375ml spekboom leaves – picked off the stems and washed

1 onion chopped

110ml white spirit vinegar

140g sugar

5ml fennel seeds

5ml brown mustard seeds

5ml salt


Sweat the onions and spices until soft taking care not to turn brown. Add the spekboom and cook for a further 3 minutes. Add the vinegar, sugar and salt. Cook for a further 15 – 20 minutes on low heat or until a nice thick chutney type consistency. Taste and season further if required.

You will notice that the spekboom releases quite a lot of gooey liquid when cooking, this is quite normal. Pour into a sterilised jar and refrigerate.

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