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Cha-cha … Champion!

Jumah Mohammed’s heart beats to the rhythm of ballroom and Latin dance routines. He was only 14 when he two-stepped into the world of dancing and taught himself from scratch. Today, almost four decades later, he’s on top of the world!

For Jumah Mohammed, aka Jay, it was never just about the glitter, glamour and glorious dancing, but the emotion and expression behind the craft. Pair this with crazy dedication, and it’s no surprise he twirled his way to the top …becoming the only South African to compete in two world championships in one year. Talk about all the right moves!

He goes on to say that while international competitions give athletes the chance to broaden their horizons, the world championships represent the pinnacle of competition. Only the crème de la crème gets to contend for top honours on this global stage. He recently snagged the title of Vice World Ballroom Champion … his biggest milestone to date. But for Jay, it’s his humble beginnings that laid the foundation of his success.

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“Teaching myself to dance presented a unique set of challenges, primarily due to the scarcity of formal syllabi and resources within the South African dance community back in the day. And so, I had to import these resources and immerse myself in rigorous self-study to master the intricate techniques.

“I’ve also incorporated Cape Town Jazz, Salsa, Sokkie and Two Step into my repertoire, which I don’t think many other ballroom or Latin dancers can say. Additionally, I’ve always self-funded all my dancing needs which really is a challenge on its own.”

Luckily, this passionate dancer is always up for a challenge! So, when Jay grew tired of recreational dancing about a decade ago, he put on his competitive dancing shoes and kicked it up a few notches. He was ‘officially on the serious pursuit of excellence’ … fiercely climbing the ballroom and Latin dancing ladders.

These days he still pours himself into each performance … and loving every second of it. From the thrill of competing on a global stage to the priceless connections between fellow dancers. But Jay’s journey isn’t just about racking up personal achievements.

In 2019, he turned a lifelong dream into reality by opening his own studio, Saint Ballroom, where he finds joy in inspiring the next generation of dancers.

“Witnessing the transformative power of dance in my students’ lives became very fulfilling. It’s not only about teaching the technical skills but also life lessons in perseverance and self-expression.”

One thing is certain … his journey in the world of ballroom and Latin dancing is far from over. He is now focused on becoming the first-ever Ballroom Solo World Champion and perhaps even making a Guinness World Record attempt while he’s at it. Because if not, why not?

Details: Follow @JumahMohammed on Facebook and Insta

Jay gives us a sneak peek into the world of a championship dancer…

The main difference between ballroom and Latin dancing?
Ballroom dancing, also known as International Ballroom, encompasses formal dances such as the Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, and Quickstep, characterised by elegant movements and continuous close hold between partners. On the other hand, Latin dancing features rhythmic and dynamic styles such as Cha-Cha, Paso Doble, Rumba, Jive, and Samba, known for their passionate and exuberant expressions.

What sets you apart from other pro dancers?
As a self-taught dancer, my journey is marked by a blend of resilience, determination, and passion for dance. This distinctive background not only sets me apart from other dancers but also shapes my approach to performance, emphasising authenticity, creativity, and continuous growth.

What’s your signature move?
The jump in the Quickstep, which adds flair and dynamism to all my performances. Additionally, my facial expressions… particularly in the Tango, serve as a signature element, conveying passion and intensity to captivate audiences.

Can you describe the feeling you get when you’re dancing?
It’s an exhilarating experience that transcends words, evoking a profound sense of joy, freedom, and self-expression. With each step and movement, I feel a deep connection to the music, my partner, and the audience, immersing myself fully in the present moment and allowing the dance to unfold organically.

How do you compare the craft to the dance of life?
Ballroom and Latin dancing offer profound parallels to life itself, serving as a metaphor for the journey we all navigate. Just as in dance, life presents us with a series of steps and rhythms, each requiring grace, resilience, and adaptability to master. Through dance, we learn valuable lessons about embracing the beauty of the moment.

Three life skills you learned through dancing?
Firstly resilience. Navigating the challenges and setbacks inherent in the pursuit of dance has taught me the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity. Secondly, teamwork. Collaborating with partners and fellow dancers has honed my ability to communicate effectively, compromise, and work towards a common goal. Lastly, adaptability. The ability to embrace change, learn from feedback, and evolve as a dancer is essential for success in the dynamic and competitive world of ballroom and Latin dancing.

Do you believe anyone can dance?
Absolutely. I firmly believe that dance is a universal language that transcends age, background, and ability. While some may possess a natural talent or innate rhythm, the beauty of dance lies in its accessibility to all. With dedication, patience, and the guidance of skilled instructors, anyone can learn to dance and experience the joy and fulfilment it brings.

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