HomePeopleLife’s a dance!

Life’s a dance!

Almost three decades and hundreds of students later, Carla Turner still does a happy dance every time she gets to share her love of ballet with a young dancer.

For Carla Turner, it’s all about those magical moments when her students’ faces light up after nailing a tricky move. It’s hearing that Monday is a kid’s favourite day because it’s ballet day. And there’s nothing quite like watching them transform into confident performers, ready to shine on stage.

She first discovered her love for ballet when she watched her older sister’s classes, and then started taking classes too, continuing right through her teens.

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“Then, when I was 18, I was asked to teach the children at church to sing. It was part of their Sunday school attendance. So, think informal choir vibes. I remember how surprised I was at how much I loved it. And so, I decided to combine my love of dance with my love of teaching.

“Before long I opened Dance Inc, starting out with five very cute and sweet little students, in Isabelle Krauss’ art studio in Noordheuwel. During these years, while I was completing my classical ballet diploma, I also dipped my toes into the worlds of aromatherapy and reflexology.

“Fun fact…” she laughs, “I’m a totally competent masseuse too!”

Fast forward 27 years and a couple of studios, and you’ll find Carla teaching at her home in Silverfields. Hoping to change the narrative that ballet is only for the posh crowd, she teaches at a few schools in Krugersdorp and Soweto, too.

But it’s not all about ballet in Carla’s studio. It’s about life, faith, hope and love. Over the years, she became known as the ballet coach who doesn’t just see life through rose-coloured glasses … but pirouettes through it with endless joy and inspiration. Which is exactly what she hopes to teach each student who walks through her doors.

“Live your life … make it beautiful. Don’t just exist.” She likes to tell them. “Never stop dancing. Never stop learning. Never stop dreaming. Don’t spend too much time on people and things that don’t leave you feeling good. And try to focus more on bravery than perfection. And don’t forget to pray!”

Her students, in turn, have taught her that together, they can make pure magic happen … regardless of age differences. All thanks to the universal love language that brings them together.

If you’ve ever met Carla or stepped foot in her studio, you know her ultimate jam is ‘Better when I’m dancing’. Because dancing, she believes, isn’t just fun. It’s a way of life that brings people closer.

Although she’s passionate about the studio, she absolutely loves the stage. In fact, Carla’s a seasoned theatre producer with a whopping 10 ballet productions under her belt.
When she’s not with her ballet students, this versatile dancer just loves a good waltz and some ballroom elegance, and has a passion for Spanish dancing!

“We really are better when we are dancing. My hope is that when the music is good, we dance! Many people don’t know that dancing is so powerful for brain and body development in children, and good brain and body health in adults. So, it’s quite simple. Just dance!”

Carla isn’t just a dancing queen … she’s also been a Pilates practitioner for seven years now. For her, it’s like meditation in motion, the perfect way to stay strong as we age. Pilates, she says, fights off muscle loss and stiffness that come with age, keeping both the body and mind youthful and vibrant. Just ask her oldest client – 70 years young and thriving!

When she’s not in studio, you’ll probably find her in her PJ’s, lounging in bed, and taking a well-deserved breather … especially in winter. There’s just something irresistible about watching brave souls renovate their chateaus on YouTube. And her ultimate guilty pleasure … binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy!

She also loves spending time with her two children, 17-year-old Chad and 14-year-old Chloë … whether they’re shopping, going on a game drive or a road trip, soaking up nature, or exploring local markets. And you can bet theatre is always on the agenda. Especially if there’s a ballet production involved!

Bottom line … she wishes everyone knew the transformative power of dance. It’s not just exercise. It’s a celebration of life for all ages. Whether she’s waltzing, teaching a little ballerina, or guiding a Pilates class, Carla is living proof that life truly is better when you’re dancing!

Details: Follow @dance.incorporated on Insta, @Dance Inc. on Facebook and @Dance.inc.za on TikTok.

5 Morning stretches to start your day

Including some stretching in your daily morning routine can help energise you. It can really make a difference in how both your body and your mind start the day. Remember not to slam yourself into a stretch. Instead, slowly count to eight to start your stretch and get to your end position. Breathe deeply and slowly.

• The plank. The plank is one of the best and when done correctly, safest core strengthening exercises you can do. A strong core will enable you to maintain good posture by strengthening your abdominals. Plus, it helps relieve back pain.

• Reverse plank. Unlike bodyweight exercises like the regular plank, which targets the muscles on the front of your body, the reverse plank focuses on your posterior muscles like the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles.

• Quad stretch. Stretching the quadriceps muscles helps increase mobility, flexibility, and range of motion in the knee and hip joints. This stretch targets the muscles located at the front of the thigh. There are many ways you can modify a quad stretch to make it easier or more challenging.

• Shoulder stretch. Stiff or tight shoulders can cause discomfort and limit a person’s range of motion. If the tightness goes unchecked, it can cause neck pain and tension headaches.

• Inner thigh stretch. You use the muscles in your inner thigh and groin area more often than you might think. These stretches will improve flexibility and prevent injury.

Text: ALANICKA LOTRIET. • Photographer: HILDA MANS & CARLA TURNER. • Make-up & hair: HEIDIE FOURIE. • Venue: USAMBARA.

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