Travel tips for moms with babies, by moms with babies!


Travelling alone can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time with a newborn at a busy airport. Even travelling with a partner and your new baby for the first time can be rather daunting.

Shannon McLaughlin, founder of Ubuntu Baba chatted to a few Moms about their experiences while travelling with their baby, as well as how much babywearing has helped them cope.

So she has asked the Ubuntu Baba mamas to comment with their very best travel tips for flying with a newborn baby.

Mom’s Top 5 Tips

Travel as light as possible. You can use your baby carrier to hold all your travel documents so you can whip them out as needed, without having to scratch in your bag.
– Emma Davies

At the check-in, you can (and should!) ask for a better seat as a breastfeeding Mom, and you can ask for assistance with luggage too. You are also allowed to use a pushchair up until the plane.
– Kat Konczak-Flanigan

If travelling locally, pack light. You’re already schlepping your bag plus baby’s, there’s no need for extra stuff. Just your baby carrier! Try book the aisle seat right at the back of the plane as the changing table is in that toilet and if your baby starts stirring, it’s easy to get up and bounce/settle at the back of the plane. If your baby is asleep during take-off, they’ll ask you to take baby out of your carrier – just unclip and move the straps. Then you can try and keep your baby sleeping in the upright position.
– Claire Ross

Babe’s ears hurt the most during descent – so get them to suck. As soon as your ears start, get them sucking a dummy, your boob or a bottle. I don’t know if it’s the pressure, but be prepared for some serious poop action – either during the flight or once you’re waiting to get off. Pack spare clothes for babe in your hand luggage and for you too. Pack a small towel to place on your lap too. If your babe isn’t in cloth, then double up on the nappy.
– Samantha Capewell

Use a backpack as a diaper bag. Take a window seat, this will make breastfeeding and resting your arm easier. Change baby’s diaper before the flight. Put some toys in the diaper bag to keep baby busy, mine usually sleeps right through because the white noise of the plane helps.
– Marusckha Scholtz

Most Moms suggest accepting the help offered, trying to stay hands-free as much as possible by wearing your baby and keeping a dummy on hand. Travelling can be tiring with a small baby, but it doesn’t need to be stressful. Don’t forget some sugar-free snacks to keep in your bag for the toddlers, fruit and veg pouches and most importantly, just relax – you most probably will never see your fellow travellers again…

More on Ubuntu Baba

A leading babywearing brand that knows becoming a mother is the start of a beautiful yet challenging journey.

Ubuntu Baba is there to help you step out into the world again with confidence, freedom and style.
