Relax and breathe. Essential oils to promote wellbeing during stressful times


In these uncertain times, we can all use a little help unwinding. Fitting self-care into your lifestyle and looking after your mental wellbeing is an absolute must.
Did you know that essential oils can help our minds and bodies relax?

Distilled from plants, essential oils have been around since ancient civilisations. In modern life the benefits of aromatherapy remain the same – to relieve anxiety and stress as well as promote a sense of well-being, upliftment and relaxation when you need it.

Creating 100% pure organic essential oils that provide a holistic approach to lifestyles, we’ve rounded up SOiL’s best essential oils that promote mental wellbeing, improved sleep, stress relief and relaxation.

Essential oil blends to check out:

De Stress
The De-Stress blend of essential oils contains Grapefruit, which has a positive, uplifting effect on your mood; Clary Sage and Cedarwood, known to release tension and negative feelings; and Cypress which strengthens a burdened nervous systems and restores calm, R85.

Essential oils have long been used to provide relaxation and promote sleep. This soothing blend of Organic Lavender, Bergamot, Sweet Marjoram and Vetiver 100% pure essential oils can provide a perfect sedative effect, R120.

This organic blend of SOiL Clary Sage, Lime, Cypress and Black Pepper essential oil can stimulate mental faculties and energise the body, R120.

Also, check out their remedy rollers and massage oils:

Clary Sage, warming Marjoram, Lavender and Chamomile to calm the nervous system, promote tranquility and help relieve tension headaches, R40.

Organic relaxing massage blend
De-stress and revive with this warming massage blend containing Lavender, Ylang-Ylang and Geranium essential oils to calm, de-stress and revive while also hydrating your skin. Great as a massage or as a bath oil, R120.

Organic uplifting massage oil
Containing a delicate blend of Ylang Ylang, Palmarosa and Peppermint, this massage oil helps balance and lift spirits. It also provides nourishment and contains regeneration properties. Also, includes Jojoba and Hemp Seed, R110.

All SOiL products are available for purchase at
