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Facelift in a box

There’s no denying the fact that all the anxiety and stress are seriously messing up our good looks at the moment.
Yes, we’ve all had a rejuvenating facial that felt great for a few days, but then lost all the benefits. Well, what if we tell you we’ve found the answer to a natural, youthful appearance without going under the knife?

The Thesera L is one of those luxury beauty treatments you seriously need to know about. It is the ultimate solution for lifting and minimising the appearance of lines and wrinkles, and it is painless, non-invasive and there is no downtime! In fact, Thesera L is a new generation of PDO thread lifts. It acts no less efficiently, but the scheme of injecting threads into the skin is totally different. PDO threads are injected with needles whereas Thesera’s lifting course is based on silk melting threads.
It consists of five stages for which different cosmetic products are used. The amazing benefits include giving the skin a youthful appearance, tightening pores, lifting, boosting elasticity, hydrating skin and improving volume, as well as improving the appearance of pigmentation and dermal density.
This incredible non-allergic treatment not only lifts the skin by 29 per cent but will last up to three months. However, a course of four is recommended to build on threads and maximise the production of collagen, which in turn, allows results to last up to 18 months. Depending on the results you want, you can do a second treatment as soon as one week after the first one.
Theresa L is so marvellous (yes, we cannot praise it enough) that you can even do it in the comfort of your own home. The lifting kit consists of everything you need for four treatments, and you will even get online support from the official distributor and trainer of the Thesera Aesthetic Beauty Products, Celest Antiga.
After the 75-minute treatment, your face will feel lifted and taut immediately. Your skin will feel hydrated with a healthy glow. Sounds too good to be true? Nope, the Thesera L does even more that what is says … But go and experience it for yourself; you’ll thank us later!
One treatment cost R1 800 or you can purchase the Thesera L kit for R4 500. Countrywide courier options are available.


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We know you would love to experience the Thesera L, so we’re giving away one treatment … to stand in line to win, simply like our Get It Pretoria Facebook page, like the competition  post and tag a friend, and you’ll be in the draw. Entries close August 31. T’s & C’s apply.

Details: Celest on 082 788 7026, [email protected] or visit 

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