Igna Kotze is the proud owner of a private practice that focuses on supporting learners with learning difficulties, but also supporting the family as a whole. She is also a mom to three beautiful daughters and a wife to her husband Jaco who has supported her on her journey.
Igna says she is passionate about positively impacting people’s lives. “I enjoy working with moms, teachers, and other therapists by helping them understand a child’s behaviour on various levels of development.”
For the last 12 years, she worked with children to assist with barriers to learning such as anxiety, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, behaviour issues, and sensory integration disorders.
“We provide an array of services, including challenges with learning, difficulties with reading, writing and spelling, reading readiness and school readiness assessments. We also provide learning strategies, help to develop better coping skills, prepare for exams, develop positive self-esteem, learn appropriate ways to express emotions, and alleviating anxiety.”
Igna obtained an Honours Degree in Psychology of Education and then furthered her studies in Play Therapy. She trained and worked in the field of Neuroscience for 12 years and found her true passion – supporting the family as a whole.
This journey started when Igna’s eldest daughter, Dominique, 18 months at that time, battled with delayed milestones and severe emotional outbursts.
“It turned out that she had major sensory sensitivities that had an impact on her physical, emotional, and social development. This journey with her created a passion to further my study in the field of Neuro Science and to help and support other moms with the challenges of Neuro-diversity.”
When asked how being a mom has shaped her life, she says: “Being a mom truly gives meaning to my life and I cannot imagine my life without them! That being said, being a mom is not always fun and games. It’s a commitment. It’s hard work. Sometimes – most of the time, even – you don’t have all the answers.”
She adds that you become so concerned about your children and trying to give them the very best you can. “I am constantly learning from my children. I really think being a mom is incredible and the biggest privilege in life.”
Seeing that Igna grew up in Bloemfontein, and she believes that it truly takes a village to raise kids, especially if you are a working mom, she is also blessed with the fact that her mom and sister both live and work in the city. I have an amazing support team and group of friends,” she says.
Igna’s three daughters
Dominique is 17 years old, the eldest of the three, and in Grade 11. “She is the one with an acute sense of humour. Dancing and drama are some of her big passions in life. Be careful to step into a debate with this one, she can reason and state some facts in split seconds! She debates for her school’s team on a national level. She is passionate and speaks up for her beliefs, against racism and gender-based biases. She is considering a future in corporate law,” says her mom.
Kayla is 14 years old and in Grade 8. “With her calm demeanour, she is the balance between the other two very extreme sisters. She is absolutely blessed with a knack for sports and excels in hockey, netball, and badminton. She was also a great ballerina and gymnast and she would much rather spend all her time on the sports field than in the classroom. She is creative and shows a quiet strength that shows in her responsibility in her daily tasks,” says Igna.
Danaè is 13 years old and in Grade 7, “but somehow she always stays my little one. She serves on the student council of Oranje Primêr and she is an outstanding academic learner. She loves cultural activities such as choir and theatre and she enjoys science fairs. She is a brilliant public speaker and represented her province on a national level. She is the perfectionist of the three and very set in her ways. She has a strong sense of what is right and wrong but is also the one who is never shy to share a hug.”
Making mom feel special is a top priority for Dominique, Kayla and Danaé.
Dominique says what she loves most about her mom is that she’s always there for her when she needs her and that she can always feel comfortable talking to her about anything. “She has very good advice and is a good listener. I can always count on her to guide me.” She says she always tries to go out of her way to spoil her mom on Mother’s Day by making her coffee and prioritising the small things to make her feel special.
“I love everything about my mom, but the way she puts a smile on my face and comforts me will always have a place in my heart,” says Danaé.
She also makes her mom coffee in bed with a flower and tries to be on her best behaviour the whole day.
Kayla says she loves that her mom is always there for her and always puts her family first. “She always listens to me when I need to talk to someone and tries her best to make us happy and I hope that one day I’m just as strong-minded as she is.”
Kayla adds that she would like to give her mom a delicious breakfast in bed and give her special gifts on Mother’s Day.