What game can anyone take up at any age? Golf of course!

Golf has been described as the game of a lifetime – anyone aged one to 100 can play the sport, or at least a version of it. It’s the game other sportsmen take up when they retire from high profile sports like rugby and cricket.

Yes, the sport can be unbelievably frustrating, being described as a good walk spoiled. For most weekend hackers, it’s probably best described as follows: ‘I hate this game, can’t wait to play again tomorrow!’

There are a lot of great reasons to play.


It’s a great place to make friends and/or find new ones if you have recently relocated. The golf course is a place where you can chat freely, share life’s troubles (if need be) and come away feeling encouraged, even if you whack a few into the bush or water. The tales afterwards sometimes sound like those told by fishermen and the ‘one that got away’.


Don’t laugh, it really does help. Pushing or carrying your bag around 18 holes is usually the equivalent of a 5,5km hike. It does help that there’s a halfway snack and drink thrown in. And a few cold ones afterwards as well, but you get the point. It’s better than sitting on the couch all day with those same snacks and beverages.

Stress relief

A lot of golfers will say the course is a place where they can ‘free the mind’. This may be an excuse to play more and more, but it really can be beneficial after a tough time in the office or boardroom. Being out in the open, breathing in some fresh air, feeling the sunshine on your back – it can work wonders. Beating the ball into the distance helps relieve stress, for sure. However, missing short putts and shanking it sideways is something you want to avoid if you want to keep the blood pressure down.


There is usually an abundance of bird life on any golf course, if you take the time to notice. While most golfers are trying to chalk up a birdie or two on the scorecard, those having a rough day can enjoy the avian type instead. Buck roam freely on some courses in the province. Most golf courses are home to snakes as well, but fortunately they generally hide away. However, with the dense bush in KwaZulu-Natal, it’s no wonder caddies are reluctant to go searching for a ball when it disappears into the long grass or foliage.

Love life

Golf can be a good way to test a relationship. If your potentially significant other also plays, they could well be a keeper. If they take an interest, then the same applies. However, the story goes that a certain golfer met a girl he liked. Before they were officially dating she walked 36 holes in a day, watching him play a tournament. When they started dating she walked a maximum of 18 holes. Once they were engaged she refused to do more than 9 holes. And after marriage, she said ‘enjoy your game I’m going shopping!’

You can get a tan

Golfers, like farmers, have some of the weirdest tans you will ever see. In the old days, when they had to wear long socks up to just below the knees, it was even worse. At the beach, you could spot a golfer a mile away – very tanned face and neck, tanned arms from the elbow down, and (nowadays) tanned calf muscles. The rest? Bright white for the Europeans among us, at least.

Family time

It’s a sport they whole family can enjoy. You’ll hear many golfers tell you they started playing when Gramps took them out for a few shots on a Sunday afternoon. It’s a great way for the family to be together, outside, doing something fun. Mom can drive the cart and younger siblings can run around on the fairways, under close supervision of course. The clubhouse aspect is wonderful too, with delicious meals to choose from on the menu.
