World’s biggest baby shower!


In keeping with the spirit of Mandela Day, the Upper Highway Baby Home hosted the World’s Biggest Baby Shower – a project that formed part of the NPO’s Saving Futures Programme. Aimed at helping more than 1000 vulnerable mothers and babies across Durban, this fun-filled and busy event, supported by local schools and businesses and bigger corporates, was a huge success. Thanks to the generosity of everybody involved, the home managed to raise 62 tonnes of supplies that included 15000 nappies, 1500 packs of wet wipes, baby baths, clothes for moms and babies, soaps and hygiene items, blankets and towels, porridge and more. To end things off on another uplifting note, the home won Best Upliftment Organisation in the Best of Durban Caxton Readers’ Choice Awards 2023.
