HomeKIDSA world of make believe

A world of make believe

Imagine a magical village, with all kinds of pretty costumes and make-believe details,  designed to inspire pure and purposeful play … an environment created by a team whose passion for young minds, and the world they live in, lies deep in their souls. A place that makes you want to be a kid again.

Photo: Des Dales Photography

From a young age, Jane Allison had a passion for play. From puppets and playgrounds to a world of adventure and fantasy.

As a young adult, and later throughout her own motherhood journey, Jane’s desire to work closely with and educate young minds, has always been fuelled with passion. For many years she worked closely with her own mum, Heather Tomlinson, doing interactive educational puppet shows at pre-primary and primary schools across the country.

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But when Covid hit and their long-standing and very popular travelling service came to an abrupt halt, the mother daughter duo did not take it lying down.

The two used this quiet time to come up with something bigger and better … a special space where children are given the opportunity to use their imagination and creativity while entering a world of make believe.

In 2021, Jane and Heather opened the doors to Le Petit Playhouse, a magical role play village designed to help and inspire children – from toddlers to about the age of eight – to explore the pure and simple wonders of imagination.

Photo: Des Dales Photography

Role play, says Jane, is an activity where children take on different roles or play different characters that either mimic real-life or imaginary experiences. It is crucial to childhood development,  and comes with so many benefits.

“It gives children the best basis to begin to develop, refine their character, and understand people and the world around them.  It is important for future skills like problem-solving, communication, and creativity. Simple toys, that don’t do the work for the child, is where creativity can thrive.”

From a single village, thought out in the grips of a pandemic, to three thriving ones in just over two years, Jane and Heather divide their time and expertise between Hillcrest and Durban North – their Pietermaritzburg branch is a franchise – where, with the help of skilled assistants, they offer play sessions, kids parties, puppet shows, school visits, toddler mornings and special family events!

And while children play – under the watchful and encouraging eyes of the playmakers – parents can enjoy a coffee and relax or work in the village’s café, so it’s a win-win for everyone!

“There are a host of themed rooms – a café, vet, hair and beauty salon, construction site, theatre, shopping area and even a police station with a very popular jail cell!” says Jane, who adds that each of these play areas is scaled down to be the perfect size for little people and carefully designed to offer a creative and educational play experience.

Photo: Des Dales Photography

“There is charm in every last detail, including beautiful dress-up clothes, accessories and props to ensure cherished memories are created and shared with family and friends.”

They’ve also recently launched their own range of playhouse products that are not only great for encouraging role play at home, but also make great gifts  – ideal for those occasions when you and your little one are invited to another little friend’s birthday party and you’ve no idea what to get.

“With young kids of my own, I have learnt more than ever before, just how valuable imaginative play can be. It allows children to step into one another’s shoes and learn how they feel in different situations.”

Jane says this helps them develop empathy and an understanding of their own and others’ actions and reactions.

“Through role play children also learn about emotions and how these develop over time, and they learn to take other perspectives into account. They also get a feel for different situations and uncover the best ways in which to handle them.”

Photo: Des Dales Photography

As if there isn’t enough fun to be had between these three role play villages, to make each individual one unique, Jane and Heather have made sure to include something special in the mix – like a fire station or a VW van.

“And every few months we change a role play area, so that there is always something new and exciting – a camp site, travel agent, a bakery, a laundromat and even a flower shop. All we have ever dreamed of is making a difference. And I think we’ve achieved that by creating a place where children can learn, develop and, so importantly, just enjoy being children.”

Details: You can follow Jane and Heather on FB: Le Petit Playhouse and IG: @lepetitplayhouse or visit their website lepetitplayhouse.co.za

CREDITS: Photos: Des Dales Photography • Young models: Emelia Allison, Robbie and Jamie Tomlinson, Harper Burn and James and Charlotte Dales


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