There’s no doubt that winter has arrived which means that, alongside trying to keep warm, it’s time to ensure that one’s skin is protected and moisturised so it doesn’t become chapped and cracked.
The biggest culprit to cracked hands and fingers in winter is the lack of moisture in the air. The humidity in the air drops during winter, indoor heating is increased which dries out the air, and we wash and sanitise hands more frequently to prevent spreading the flu virus.
There are simple ways to prevent your skin from dehydrating which can cause it to flake or even crack. If it does get to this, there’s a great Kroko product that can address this simply and effectively.
Moisturise hands frequently
With the moisture in the air diminishing, it’s important to lock in the moisture in your hands whenever you can. After you wash your hands – which can increase in winter because of cold and flu viruses – apply a rich moisturiser to seal in the natural oils. At night, you could even wear cotton gloves after applying the moisturiser to enhance the absorption.
Avoid hot water
Prevent your hands from drying out in winter by avoiding excessively hot water. It’s tempting to increase the temperature of your bath, shower, or even tap water when washing hands to warm up in winter. The problem is that very hot water will strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dehydration and fissures. Rather drop the temperature a bit or shorten your showers to prevent this loss of moisture.
Stay hydrated
In summer, you naturally tend to drink more water as you lose fluids by sweating. In winter, we often forget to drink water but our skin needs just as much liquid to remain healthy in these cooler months, particularly in dry parts of the country. Remember to stay hydrated by keeping a bottle of water with you at all times, and try to limit alcohol and caffeine which could impact your water content. If you have a humidifier, consider using it to counteract the nighttime dryness.
Minimise the heating
There’s nothing better than a roaring fire on cold winter days and nights, but too much of this could really dry out the skin. Artificial heaters are also great for keeping warm, but your hands will feel the effect of too much use. Where possible, try to use warm clothing and blankets rather than artificial heating and fires to increase the temperature – this will benefit your skin and your energy bill!
Use a fast acting healing solution
Despite your best intentions, your fingers could crack this winter which means administering a fast-acting healing solution like Kroko’s FingerFix. This is a colourless treatment to protect, cover, and help heal cracked skin on fingers. Beyond healing cracked fingers during the winter months, this is a great solution for people who suffer from dry hands generally, and those in the habit of picking at the skin on fingers and hands. It’s also proved to be the perfect healing solution for those who use their hands predominantly in their line of work, as well as those who have to wear close-fitting surgical gloves, as well as chefs, butchers, doctors, carpenters, anglers and artists.
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