Gather round the table and tuck into a tasty tummy-warmer to chase off winter’s chill
From ouma Annatjie’s kitchen – marinated beef pot roast perfectly paired with Muratie Martin Melck Cabernet Sauvignon
Marinated beef pot roast
You’ll need:
1kg of bolo, aitchbone or topside;
110g bacon cut into 5mm pieces;
2 tsps salt;
1 Tblsp canola oil;
2 onions, cut into slices;
2 carrots, grated;
1 Tblsp cake flour
150ml beer of your choice;
50ml canola oil;
1 Tblsp honey;
4 whole peppercorns;
2 whole cloves;
1 bay leaf
Use a larding needle to lard the beef with the bacon.
Mix the marinade – beer, honey, pepper, cloves and bay leaves – in a big glass casserole. Place the beef in the casserole and marinate for 12 – 24 hours, turning regularly.
Remove beef from the marinade but keep marinade aside. Dry meat with paper towels. Season with salt by rubbing into the meat.
Heat the oil in a heavy duty saucepan and brown meat thoroughly on all sides. Add the onions and grated carrots to the pot.
Heat the marinade and add to the meat. Bring to boiling point, then lower the temperature and simmer until the meat is soft – approximately 1 1/2 – 2 hours.
Turn the meat once or twice during this time. Remove meat from the pot, fish out bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves from the remaining sauce and reduce by half.
Mix the flour with a little water until smooth and add to the sauce.
Gently simmer for a few minutes, then place meat back into the sauce until warm.
Serve with roast potatoes and vegetables.
Enjoy with a bottle of Martin Melck Cabernet Sauvignon