In the hands of the beholder


They say your eyes are the windows to your soul. Perhaps though, it is really your hands that hold the secrets? Chirology, or the study of hands, is a fascinating field that we recently found out more about.

It was on a recent market meander that I bumped into Dawn Cameron, an expert in Chirology. Intrigued, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to delve a little deeper into this world and experience it for myself.

A little-known science, Chirology, I discovered, is a form of dialogue therapy. With a unique set of expertise, including academic discipline and behavioural psychology, Dawn combines the art of hand reading with counselling. Her purpose, she says, is to open our eyes to the understanding that our hands are our unique, personal guides and tools for self-discovery.

By analysing and decoding forms and markings, Dawn can tell an accurate story about our physical, emotional, vocational, mental and spiritual selves.

Practising out of her Musgrave home, Dawn’s welcoming persona puts even the biggest sceptic at ease. She’s warm, sincere and, well, quite ‘normal’! There’s nothing airy-fairy about how she acts or what she does – and she explains everything in a simple and meaningful way.

With candles lit, the aroma of healing oils and relaxing background music, Dawn sets the scene to begin her work. She starts by explaining that hands and feet are our personal DNA and life blueprints, and that our essence is imprinted on everything we touch.

“Five months before you were born, ridges appeared on your hands. These form a map of your entire being – a map that remains unaltered throughout life. Chirology examines and interprets that map. It is the tool that enables us to decode the information your brain has etched on your hands, in both permanent and changing features.”

Dawn explains, while taking several inked prints of my hands, that the science of dermatoglyphics – the study of fingerprint patterns with skin ridges on the palm and other hand-related features – is a supportive counselling and healing dialogue, which is a unique, but profoundly accurate means of charting our life purposes.

“For centuries, medicine has recognised the link between the hand and the brain. Dr. Charles Bell emphasized the importance of the hand in the study of human behavioural sciences, and endorsed Chirology as a scientific discipline of enormous clinical value for enquiry into the nature, temperaments, characters and personalities of human beings.”

Chirology uses the five-element system – earth, water, fire, air and chi – to provide a universal frame of reference, which allows for a neutral language when assessing the hands.

During my feedback session, Dawn explains that the hand structure and fingerprints all have bearing on our interests, vocational aptitudes, psychological orientations, emotional patterns, intellectual capacity, health and spiritual inclinations. The dominant hand which you write with represents the conscious mind. It reflects your persona, visible qualities and how you express yourself. The non-dominant hand represents the subconscious mind. It reflects qualities that lie dormant, our potential, our deeper desires and unchanging tendencies.

“The permanent features reflect more enduring characteristics, personality traits or genetic predispositions. These features include the shape of the hand, nails and fingerprints, setting of the fingers and certain palm patterns and gift markings.”

“People often ask about what I do and why having their hands analysed might benefit them, and my response is this: we constantly assess our mental, physical and emotional bodies and instinctively seek ways to bring balance to our lives. Conscious understanding of our personal blueprint mapped on our hands helps us to live more harmoniously by using our personalities and characteristics that either dominate or are under-utilised. We also deepen our self-understanding and gain insights into our fellow man and ultimately our own oneness.”

Dawn also assists children and teens, as well as couples with relationship issues and companies when it comes to career guidance, recruitment assessments, staff placement, training, development and teambuilding.

“Palm prints are sacred documents. They represent us and outlive us and their value is a precious legacy of our unique personal signature. I’ve always loved the idea of helping others through healing, therapy and understanding themselves, and I get to do it through capturing and analysing their blueprints with them. It’s not just knowledge they are gaining, it is also emotional release, new perspective and peace, and that brings me joy. It’s why I love what I do!”

Details: 083 792 5735, [email protected],, FB: Dawn Cameron Chirology, IG: @dawn_cameron_dbn

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