HomeLifestyle & TravelLifestylePhoto hacks for your child's best memories

Photo hacks for your child’s best memories

When your little one is born, you’re attached to your phone or camera capturing as many of the moments as possible and soon you’re inundated with an overflowing digital album filled with birthdays, the start of the school year, funny moments in the park and precious sleepy shots in the back of the car.

Photo printing experts, Nifty250.co.za offer up a few hacks to stay on top of your child’s memories, be they captured or created:

  • In a time when we’re taking more photographs than we could ever hope to print, it’s sometimes good to take stock of the year passed and highlight the great memories. Take a moment to sift through the endless selfies to find the images that really captured your clan’s happiness over the past 12 months. Print and slip into an album. Your kids will thank you one day as they page through their collective childhood joy.

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  • While photoalbums are neat and take up minimal space on the bookshelf, you might prefer to see your amazing memories every day. Source artwork frames from vintage stores or wooden craftsmen and remove the glass and backing. Using a pinboard pin, pin a piece of string across the width of the frame, securing it on the side facing the wall. Find yourself some stylish pegs and create a  bespoke wall feature using your own polaroids as the content.

  • If you’re a parent, you’re well accustomed to  the piles and piles of artwork that arrive home with your offspring in their early school years. You’re overwhelmed with how much your little one has developed, and while you lovingly admire their handiwork, the thought of storing it sends chills down your spine. Technology has the solution. Take a snap of each art piece as it arrives home and create orderly collages of the art for each year or every couple of school years. Voila!, Tidy and gorgeous frameable memories that don’t fill your cupboards.

Visit www.nifty250.co.za for many more ideas on how to remember the best moments now passed.

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