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Realistic resolutions

Setting small, attainable New Year’s goals is something you can work toward.

You’ve no intention of going to the gym after a long and exhausting day at work, so why pay the monthly membership fee? You know you’re not going for an early morning run, so why buy those ridiculously expensive running shoes that’ll just wither away in your cupboard?

Let’s be honest, not many of us follow through with some of our more outrageous New Year’s resolutions, so why bother making them in the first place?

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Setting small, attainable goals, on the other hand, is something you can work toward. We’ve got you covered with a few realistic resolutions that’ll leave you feeling accomplished by the end of the ‘new’ year.

Home workout

Instead of joining a gym, start with a simple home workout. There are numerous exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home. Begin there, and only if you can commit to that should you consider that 24-month gym contract.

Save, save, save

Start saving money from Jan 25! Even if it is only R50 per month, put it aside every month! Even if you think you can’t, you can. One less takeaway lunch meal. One less bottle of wine a month. One less retail therapy item. It’s amazing what you can save when you really commit to it. You can even download money-saving apps these days to help you start growing that little stash that might really come in handy one day when you need it most.

Don’t waste money on a diet you won’t stick to.

Start small with a few cost-effective changes to your current eating habits. Perhaps you can add a few more veggies to your shopping list and reduce your intake of sugar. Even with little changes, you’ll notice a difference in your weight and health, and it will save you from wasting money on unnecessary diets.

Declutter your home

This includes getting rid of old clothing, toys and kitchen utensils. Donate your old clothes to a local crisis centre or charity in desperate need. Donate any toys that are no longer entertaining your child to a local children’s home. Cooking utensils that are no longer in use can be donated to a local soup kitchen. Use this as your time to give something back to those in need.

Unclutter your life

This means getting rid of toxic people and situations that cause havoc in your life. Instead find yourself a group of people who add value. Don’t allow your mental health to be tarnished by others, so make it your personal mission in 2023 to make positive changes, and you will be happier than ever.

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